Static Electricity
Praise Abraham
Praise Abraham
24 days ago

Static Electricity


static electricity (uncountable)

An electric charge that has built up on an insulated body, often due to friction.


The first time I noticed Tunde Osborn looking at me, I was on my way to buy snacks at the tuck shop during break time one hot afternoon.

He was seated at the edge of the steps leading up to the main hall, watching me with his dark eyes hooded by those alluring bushy brows and lashes.

I frowned, stifling a hiss, looked away and stiffly proceeded to buy my usual snack—freshly made popcorn and groundnuts.

Me, I didn't have time for nonsense. I needed to ace my GCE in one sitting.

Besides, my parents had warned me countless times about getting entangled with boys. I didn't mind my parents' conservative rules, especially since it perfectly suited my vibe.

I preferred being a good girl. I had seen over time that it had many benefits.

And after hearing countless pitiful tales from my neighbourhood and church, I didn't need much prodding to determine not to be counted among the number of careless girls who did stupid things all in the name of love.

Regardless, somewhere in the crevices of my mind, I was intrigued that this particular male specimen—the most handsome and desired one in Ebenezer High School—would look past my tomboyish exterior and find me admirable. A tiny dormant part of me was scintillated. The rational part of my brain was convinced it was all a passing farce.

We were worlds apart. He was the head boy of the school. I was plain, boring and would have been invisible to even my teachers if I wasn't the best student in my class.

Besides, in junior secondary school, Tunde was my silent arch-enemy. Being in the same class, we always tussled for the top position. I only ever beat him once.

The bad blood mounted even higher after the first Valedictory Service in Senior School 1. To the consternation of most of my mates and teachers, I had chosen Arts and Humanities Class. Thankfully, I maintained my stellar performance and raked all the gifts in my class on the Valedictory Service, making me amass one gift more than him.

He didn't utter a single word to me for the entire session, and I didn't care. I didn't understand why he acted so jealous. He was in Science class for crying out loud.

I didn't have a bestie to rant to about the whole charade since all the girls were mushy-headed squealing chimpanzees who took every blessed opportunity to gossip about who was dating who and who was having a crush on who. Like I said, I cherished my peace and quiet.

On this fateful day, I had been waiting for my mom to come pick me up from school since this was one of the few lucky days when she finished her shift at her workplace early enough to take me home.

However, just as the familiar navy blue Sienna drove into view, it hit me that I had forgotten my History textbook in my locker. I had to go back, especially because I had an assignment from that textbook due the next day.

Mom was already irritable, thanks to the hot sun and possibly the thought of the hellish traffic we would be caught in if we delayed any further. I pleaded and promised that I would be as fast as flash.

So, off I darted towards my class through the narrow, almost empty corridors.

I don't know why I didn't see him before the occurrence happened. One moment, the coast was clear, the next he was right in my path and it was too late to hit the brakes.

In my bid to avoid the collision, I swerved. With a yelp, I felt myself free-falling...

Until very sturdy arms broke my fall. Arms that were wrapped around my waist. Arms that I now gripped so tight for dear life. I could feel pure taut muscle bunched up beneath my fingers.

Thank God for melanin. If not, I would have turned tomato red. My cheeks were burning hot.

I am not a science geek, but I can assure you, with the amount of electric charge travelling at lightning speed between us at that moment as he gazed into my eyes, an entire high-rise building could have been powered for days on end.

I could hardly breathe not to talk of speak. After an eternity had passed, flustered, I gathered myself and without a word, bolted away from this dangerous proximity to my class.

I retrieved my textbook in a daze and, after confirming that he was gone, hurried back into the car. My mom took one quizzical look at me before turning on the ignition and driving off.

That night, I could hardly sleep. I lay in bed, staring into the ceiling, wondering if Tunde was currently experiencing the same torture as I was.

I knew this was a major distraction coming at a terrible time. So, that night, I knelt down by my bed, and prayed myself to oblivion, trying not to remember how smouldering his gaze on me had been, how aware his touch had made me feel.

I purposely woke up late, trying to see if I could coax my mom into calling in sick for me. I needed a moment of reprieve to recalibrate my senses before confronting my nemesis again.

But, being an academic nut that she was, Mom unwrapped my non-existent fever act, gave me paracetamol, just in case, and sent me off to school.

I wore my hoodie over my uniform even though the weather forecast promised cloudless sunny skies all day. After the taxi dropped me at the gate, I shuffled like a snail to the assembly ground.

I got there just as the national anthem was being sung. Yeah, I was officially late. And guess who was on duty to punish the latecomers? Yup, none other than Tunde, the head boy himself!

My heart jumped into my throat. What in blazes happened to the sanitation prefect?

I internally squeezed my eyes shut and chanted to myself: "It's just a stupid fleeting infatuation, it'll pass, it'll pass, it must pass!"

But, oh dear Lord, in that moment, the current swimming through my veins wasn't passing.

My heart was drumming so loud in my ears I could only pray it wasn't sounding out.

As I began to pick the litter alongside the two other latecomers, I felt his eyes trailing my every move. I have never felt more awkwardly self conscious in my entire life.

After I had disposed the litter I picked, he brushed past me and swiftly slid a scrambled paper into my hand. I stood, frozen for a full minute before my brain sent signals for my limbs to move again.

I opened the paper with shaky fingers when I got to my seat after the assembly was over. There it was in black and white, the confirmation of my fears.

It read: Meet me by the hall during break time. We have to talk. ~T

I seriously considered not going. But my curiosity was sky-high.

Break time couldn't come fast enough. I headed towards the hall once our teacher left after the bell. Tunde was already waiting by the stairs of the hall.

"About yesterday," he began and my throat went dry.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you. I was distracted..."

"Oh! I'm sorry too. I should have watched where I was going."

"Joy, I... I just wanted to say that I like you. A lot. I have, for a long time now."

"Um, okay...?" I replied, blinking stupidly as I tuned out the rest of his speech. When I assumed he was done, I said nothing, staring at his fine face for a while. Then I turned on my heels and left on wobbly legs.

I mean, what else should I have done? Professed my undying love for him on the spot?

This was a first time experience for me, but I had enough information to know that if this was a bad case of infatuation, it would cool off in a few weeks. Or so I thought.


Author's Note:

Thanks so much for reading this story.

I hope you enjoyed it and were able to relate with the story in one way or the other.

I mean, we've all been in that crush zone, right? But perhaps it's just mean to remain as static electricity until the appropriate time when God leads you to The One!

Could you do me a favour and please share this story's link with a friend?

And leave a sweet comment down below too.

That would really make my day.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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