Home is in my dreams
Where I might find you
You, unchanged
You, pain-free
You, created by the figment of my imagination
It is in my dreams that I get to feel your presence
Bask in your embrace
Your warmth
It is where my nervous system is calm
My mind is quiet and not full of background noise
It is in my dreams where you're alive
Your heart, beating
Your temperature, warm
Not the biting cold that it is now
For in reality, I am met with the truth
The undeniable truth
That you've gone cold
That you're 6 feet under
That you're not here with me
So, I shall bask in my dreams
Hoping and praying that I never wake up
Because this is the only place I might find you
I might hear you
I might tell you about my days
The only place I feel tranquility wash over me
So, home is not the harsh reality that I live in
Home is in my dreams of you
Staying awake is difficult
Looking at pictures of you in my phone is impossible
I don't want to burst the perfectly blown bubble
The bubble I've created against reality
Home is the memories of your smile
Your laugh
Your entire existence in the world in my mind
That I created to escape my harrowing reality
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