Blood Washed.
Olaitan Comfort Lasisi
Olaitan Comfort Lasisi
9 days ago

Ife carried her Certificate of Righteousness out of the cupboard to appreciate it. Her anxiety settled a bit after that 

Since the Certificate, she had been a bit more confident to speak in the church, it took away the shame for a while. But the anxiety only got worse. 

To soothe it she had tried different things. She had washed her garments with water, with hypo and still nothing worked. 

On one day of her search, she had gone over the land looking for ways to clean her garments. 

When the Lamb came, He asked her, "With what did you wash?"

"I have tried water and Hypo. " 

"Go and wash in the blood." He said.

Ife kept her face bowed. She didn't want Him to see the disbelief written on her face. 

How could blood make garments clean?

How could a white-now-muddied garment turn white once more? With blood?

"Go and wash." He said again. 

Ife found her heart heavy. Would it work? What if it was like the others? Was there any place to rest? 

She rinsed once and saw the stains come out. In astonishment, she raised the garment before her eyes... She started washing more swiftly, just to see if it was really true.

The stains were coming out! Not long after, the garment became white as snow. She looked at the garment's purity, and tears filled her eyes. They were clean. 

She went back to Him. 

"Thank You so much..." Rolling down her cheeks were tears. As she wiped them from her face, she recalled the Certificate. It tugged at her heart.

"You can only keep it if you receive it". 

Ife stopped crying to ponder what He said. 

"I don't understand... You told me to wash and I did and it's clean now."

"It's clean forever". 

She looked at the garment. 

"How do I receive it?"

"Believe in your heart you are saved."

She looked at the garment in her hands. 

She remembered her Certificate and its consolation. 

Ife couldn't decide. 

"You will accept that it's free when you know it's free." 

"Why is it free?"

"Because Love paid the price."

(John 3:16)

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