Mmaju Nicolena Chinyere
Mmaju Nicolena Chinyere
10 days ago


“And do you Mirabel Joan Daniel take Dylan Xavier Junior to be your lawfully wedded husband?” 

            All eyes were on me now, all the focus was on me. Those few seconds of waiting in anticipation for my answer felt like I was teleported through the time capsule of our love story. My heart was beating twice as fast, I felt every trickle of sweat run down my body beneath my dress. I looked to the congregation to see wide smiles and expectant faces all waiting for my answer. I would have never thought I'd be found in a gorgeous white dress on the altar of God with the man of my dreams before my eyes.

              He was so beautiful. He was obviously very physically attractive but this beauty had a depth that illuminated from within. There was a tenderness to him that made anyone warm up to him. A nature of stoicness he had that made you feel like no arrows by day or night could smite you. He was my Knight in shining armor. These traits cohabited in a harmony so rare that made him truly marvelous. Dylan had a passion for helping people, birthing new ideas, sparking hope, and reinventing and changing the narrative of every situation. He was incredibly patient, gentle, and consistently kind to all. He was a safe space of shelter, my safe haven. Dylan was the epitome of love. How could I say no to this man? Finally, with a wide smile of my own, heart swelling and with all the certainty in the world  I said “I do”. I turned to look at my parents who were sitting gallantly and with tear-stained cheeks, they cried tears of joy as they looked back at me. 

            The Pastor then spoke into the mic “ This lovely couple would now share the vows that they have prepared. Let's start with the bride, ladies first of course.” He said in a warm yet goofy tone sending rippling laughter through the whole congregation. As I looked into Dylan's eyes, everyone else melted away, nothing else mattered, it was I and Dylan in our little world. He mouthed an “I love you” and it was all the strength I needed to carry on.

          “ Dylan Xavier Junior, my lover, my best friend, my everything. Words fail to capture the depth and richness of  my love for you.  You found me at a point where I felt love had deserted me, when I felt so alone. I remember when you walked into that cafe with your blue Jeans and black hoodie and it got me wondering why this weirdo would wear a black hoodie in the summer, it was forty degrees!” The congregants began to laugh and make funny remarks. “Little did I know that my life would change forever from that day. Your intentionality and your friendship were such a blessing to me but having you as mine was a union agreed in the heavens. You never gave up on me, on us no matter what challenges life throws our way. You saw the vision of us and you kept moving forward.” Tears began to well up in my eyes. I looked up to stop them from falling. But the emotions came in waves. After some seconds I continued.

          “From the far side of the chasm you held me in your sight, you crossed over every great divide, left behind past hurdles to the future sometimes I couldn't see.” At this point I couldn't hold my tears anymore, I let them fall, and apparently he couldn't too. Even in His tears, he looked so extraordinary, his eyes were still brimming with warmth and strength. I had to keep going.

“ I couldn't comprehend what you saw in me that made you unconditionally fight for our love. Even in my insecurity and uncertainty, you would hold my face so delicately, look into my eyes and  tell me words like “Mirabel, I want you. I need us”. 

            Many times when I was weak, you were my shoulder to cry on, my pillow to squeeze, my therapist. You listened to me without judging and corrected me in love when I was wrong. I know I can be so emotional sometimes, some may even call me a handful” The congregation chuckled knowingly. “But you knew how to carry me just right.” I looked up at him and couldn't help but  mirror the small smile on His face. 

        “I've seen you grow into greater versions of yourself with such grace, strength, and meekness. I've watched you move past your fears and become stronger each time you face them head-on. I've watched you grow in wisdom and understanding, and of course, have fallen deeper for you with each passing day. Dylan you've  taught me that my vulnerability was not a weakness but a gift of life to embrace. You also taught me how to channel this weakness as a currency for vitality and strength. You never hid your weakness, fears and troubles from me either even when it was hard. I would always count it a privilege to be your safe haven, your soft landing.”

.        At this point I couldn't hold the tears, they came down in showers. I was overwhelmed with so many emotions all at once. I couldn't contain them. The Pastor however didn't rush me, he let me feel he let me cry. My chief bridesmaid and best friend who was to be wiping my tears was wiping hers, the irony. But she held my right shoulder and gave me a comforting squeeze. I took a deep breath and looked into those eyes again and found the strength to carry on till the end. His face was still, hands held together at his back, shoulders tensed and eyes unmoving to anything else but me. This was his “I'm about to cry face”. 

“Baby, don't cry,” I said and he was able to muster a small chuckle. I turned to the congregation to offer a little apology but not one face looked annoyed. Most were just in awe of all that was going on at the altar. My dad, held my mum's hands tightly on his thigh trying to comfort her as she wept almost as badly as I did. I cleared my throat and continued to speak;

       “Dylan my baby, I want to always be your soft landing, the place where you call home, the place your heart finds true and steady peace. I want to hold you when you're down and jump to the skies with you when you're up. I want to know you more, to love you more, to care for you more. With you, I see the assurance of happily ever after. I love you Dylan. I am in love with you. Till death do us part, this is my love confession to you.”

     The whole congregation had erupted in claps and screams of joy but I barely heard them. All my senses were focused on one man. Tears still traced paths down his cheeks, but his gaze held a depth I had never seen. Then with a voice thick with emotions, he whispered 

“Mirabel, my heart is yours forever. This is my commitment to you.”

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