12 days ago

The nation finds itself in a perpetual state of unrest as alleged crash in food prices does the complete opposite of we can assume was its aim, citizens especially netizens are not taking what they believe to be blatant mockery, and an insult to their intelligence lightly as it seems as though the only crash visible to all is the economy and obviously, our very faint national grid. Food prices are still reaching for the stars with citizens having their feet chained to the ground by the current state of the economy, I believe if the economy was a woman from the bustling city of Lagos, she would by now be homeless as a consequence of landlords pumping up already high rents, in the worst case scenario she would be a single homeless woman that would have to swear with her blood and innocent family members' lifeline that she was in no way an advocate or a participant of promiscuity, stuttering to pronounce the word 'Promiscuous' to make her stance even more believable. Jokes aside, with the unexpected increase in data tariff, a threatened increase in electricity tariff and the skyrocketing increase in both harvested (Rice I am talking to you girl!) and processed food prices, citizens of this African giant are being forced to live as ants.

Growing up, I and many others used to believe the rumor that a decrease in dollar-naira rate would somehow water the desert that is our economy, I know calling it a rumor is a stretch but maybe we need to realize that the economy that used to be salvageable with a decrease in dollar rate no longer exists, the country has been running at an all time low for a while and as always we, her people, with our high resistance and continually refurbished tolerance have been getting by daily, albeit barely, but getting by. Judging from the slight decrease in fuel prices, which in my opinion is quite negligible, it can be assumed that the promise made by one of the 'movers and shakers' of the African continent held an iota of truth, this makes me wonder why there was a lot of opposition to his plans for the country' crude oil, that aside it is as also paramount that we accept that the fuel prices might no longer go back to the prices we once knew, one of my first knowledge of fuel prices was during the regime of the late president yar'adua when petrol was sold for #67 per liter, I remember when his successor Goodluck Jonathan threatened an increase to above #100 and the entire country went on strike, workers, traders and student were home, even beggars were found missing on the street, the popularly busy road in front of our apartment building were filled with young boys playing football and screaming with excitement, it was obvious their joy stemmed from not having to go school for an entire week, but sooner than expected in the way time flies when you are having a good time the strike was called off, fuel prices were less than #100, and all was well in the land again. I have digressed too much from my initial purpose of this write up, don't bother asking me what that purpose is because then I'll be forced to provide a logical explanation from the several scrambling ideas in my head.

In conclusion before I digress again, if you have read this excuse of a debrief you are definitely Nigerian, my hope for you as a fellow tired traveler is that you find resting time for your aging bones and tired soul, find things that will bring you joy and keep you sane, do it for yourself, do it for me too, because my hope in this country is akin to a brain dead patient stuck on life support in a run down hospital, hope whose breath is the only sign of life and if unlike me who has lost faith in things getting better, you, a citizen of this country still has faith in a better rather than a manageable tomorrow, please keep that faith, your faith, alive, we need people like you to believe that beauty can rise from the ashes that is our country.

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