Horoscopes: Hoax, Withcraft or Truth?
Jima Nja
Jima Nja
6 days ago

This season, when I’m not freaking out about my exams, I’ve been trying to understand myself better, which has led to a lot of research, good and “bad” as well as lots of realizations. In today’s article, I’ll gist you about my heartbreaking interaction with Horoscopes and Astrology.

Disclaimer: I’m not practicing Withcraft or Sorcery please. Thank you.

First off, do you believe in Astrology?

“Astrology is the study of the stars and Celestial bodies and the belief that their positions at various times affect our fate, destinies and personalities.”

The most common form of Astrology is the Zodiac signs which cover the months of the year. For instance, I was born on 21st September so I’m a Virgo (people who fall within 22nd August to 22nd September).

As Christians, we’re taught not to indulge in any form of sorcery or the belief in fates asides God’s plan for us, thus the demonisation of Astrology. But IT’S SO FREAKING HARD when it’s so FREAKING ACCURATE! Disgustingly Accurate.

I used to be more sceptical because I didn’t demonstrate all the signs of Virgo (OCD tendencies, quiet nature etc😂). But this year, I discovered that there’s another aspect called “Moon sign” and my Moon sign is Sagittarius. So I’m a mix of two stark opposites. Which explains my totally paradoxical personality. Further research left my mouth hanging open, because tell me why it got my personality to the T!

Some character traits of a Virgo Sun/Sagittarius Moon personality include;

orderliness, humour, perfectionism, criticism, optimism, free spiritedness, curiosity, short but explosive tempers and flight from emotions and confrontations. Which is so me! I’d rather jump off a cliff with two full bags of Dangote cement than address emotional issues. I’d crack a thousand jokes than admit that I’m bothered by something.

I decided to try it with my friends and it was extremely accurate. We even tried out Compatibility with potential partners and when I tell you it was scary accurate, best believe me it was! (You may be hearing wedding bells soon)🤭

Now reading all of this got me hooked, which led to my sceptic side rising up, AGAIN. Why is it so accurate??

There has to be a catch… and there was introducing; The Forer/Barnum & Placebo Effects.

The Forer effect is the phenomenon that occurs when individuals believe that personality descriptions apply specifically to them despite the fact that the description is actually filled with information that applies to everyone else.

The Placebo effect in Astrology is when the belief in a useless method actually makes a person feel better. It is the belief itself, and not the method, that causes the improvement.

So I’m not a really super cool Virgo-Sag. And no more wedding bells. Bummer.

No wonder the results started with a disclaimer.

Anyways, I cannot deny that most of the information listed was accurate, however, Astrology is not scientifically based and is more mental. Which means it’s to be taken with a pinch of salt. Or a bucket. I recommend Dangote salt.

And since it’s really similar to Personality tests (Sanguine, Choleric yada yada), what’s the guarantee that those other personality tests are not operating under the same effects?

What if they’re all just hoaxes?

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