The dj starts playing Lady Donli’s corner immediately you lay eyes on her and you think that’s perfectly fitting. She locks eyes with you, dainty like a fairy, but as sensual as a siren,glistening under the fairy lights and moonshine . You are in awe when she starts slowly moving to the opening instrumentals of the song.
Everybody else is looking at her as well, equally mesmerized. But it seems like she doesn’t mind, it seems like she’s only focused on you, you hear her faint giggle and breathy voice from a distance
“I love this songgg”
she coos and the melody travels to your very veins, even faster than Donli’s soft trills. She bends slowly, on time with the beat and teasingly lifts the hem of her dangerously short halter dress before doing a spin, giving everyone a good show. Her eyes never leave you as she owns the dance floor like she has never felt self doubt in her life.
“She’s a star”, you mutter to yourself, fixated on the sensual aura she exudes so easily that you almost think it’s unfair, “those hips are bewitching ” you muse, staring shamelessly at her gracious silhouette.
She’s facing you again and beckoning with her fingers, her eyes twinkling in magical mischief, she mouths “wa” (come) and you don’t need to be told twice . You realize your feet have subconsciously started bridging the gap between you and her even before your mind had a say in it. Doing away with your inhibitions, you move behind her to catch the whine she throws. She fits perfectly against you and lets out the softest, satisfactory sigh.
“I was waiting for you to join me, this is my jam!”
she exclaims, never opening her eyes as she grinds harder into you, this makes you giggle. You think that you’ve never met anyone as bubbly and alluring as this hot babe dancing on you, you grip on her hips and place your head under the crook of her neck, taking in her scent greedily. she smells like an actual fairy; sparkles and sweetness,
“temi bami”
is what the voice in your head exclaims immediately you’ve had your fix, because you can already see it, she is a once in a lifetime woman, an honorary experience and you’ve never been one to fumble, “This one was sent by the gods” you think, “only a fool would say no”.
The song plays on and you’re both so into it, a duel for how close you can possibly merge bodies has begun on the dance floor, you’re both trying to win. It’s a wicked, sexy game, one you’re so glad to be playing. She turns around, never missing a beat to stare into your eyes.
“I think you’re so hot, I’ve been feeling you all night. Fine babe, o de ma sako fun mi” (don’t front for me) she says, followed by the slyest smile.
You chuckle and look down at her with intense desire that you don’t try hiding.
“I’m flattered, you’re stunning. you’re such a great dancer, my name is ife, what’s yours?”
Before she replies, the dj, your good friend, spins the record to play Santi’s “Rapid Fire” and winks coyly at you. The entire dance floor erupts in fervor, but you both barely mind the noise around you. It’s just you two.
She drops in front of you and slowly moves her waist back up in time for Santi’s intro. You grab it almost instinctively
“I know who you are, my name is Wani”
she whispers into your ears breathlessly, her hands lazily stroking your locs . Her gaze is intense and confident on you.
“Good” you think inwardly, “we will go aura for aura”
“I came as Lara’s plus one, she told me she had a friend I would like”
you both laugh because that’s a very Lara thing to do.
“She was not wrong, o fine baje” (you’re so fine)
she adds, making you laugh a little too hard at the joke, it’s not even your fault, things are just funnier out of a beautiful woman’s lips, so you tell her this and she says thank youu with multiple “u's” and a shy smile, Modern day flirting.
The tension in the air is palpable and hot, it’s something about dancing that makes you feel invincible so you ask her to leave the dance floor with you so you can run your magic.
You lead her to a vacant couch, cozy and quiet so the music trails on as a soft hum.
She’s facing you with rapt attention, you’re transfixed in her gaze and she wraps her fingers around yours, playing with the rings you’ve adorned them with.
“I like them a lot, they’re really cool”
she adds admiringly. You thank her and seal it with a kiss on her hand making her smile once again. in that moment you know that you’d grovel on your knees if it meant you’d get to see it again and again.
The conversations you share flow so easily that you do not resume your party chaperone duties. You talk about a lot of things and yet you feel like the night has just begun. From your shared love of Lady Donli and alte music, to her love for dancing and passionate vendetta against straight people. All of these things spark your interest, you think you could hear her talk forever.
She listens too, so eagerly and tucks in your hair in a way that makes you know it’s more of a reason to keep contact. Completely consumed by the deliciousness of the time you’re sharing, you abandon the party you organized knowing that food, drinks and good music will never run out because you’ve made adequate plans to ensure a great time is had.
The night stars shines brightly over you both, you rubbing her feet gently while she drinks the wine you got for her, her content smile and adoring gaze never leaving yours.
“Ife are you sure you’re not spoken for? I’m asking again because I cannot fight”,
“will I lie to you?”
You challenge her teasingly and she shrugs
“I cannot trust you Lagos mascs, I know there’s a femme out there that doesn’t play about you”
she quips back.
“You think you’re so funny”
you say amidst a round of laughter. she doesn’t say anything in reply and sips on her wine, mischief twinkling in her eyes
“I don’t have any claimers but my life will change if you agree to be the femme in question”
There’s nothing quite like the comfortable banter you’ve uncovered with her, coupled with the intense mutual lust and desire.
“Oh I will change your life Ife, not to be in my spiritual bag but I don’t think this is ordinary and I enjoy the ease of your company. I want you around, I’m positive we have the opportunity to create the most beautiful thing yet”
You reply her with a long overdue kiss, one that starts off as reverent of a valuable gift till the high of her wine soaked tongue against yours takes you both to a frenzy. She’s making out with her tongue as if it’s sex, you’re both moaning softly, completely enthralled by the sweetness of your first of many kisses. You can hear Lara’s triumphant expressions from a distance. This is easily a night for the books. You look into her eyes and finally declare
“Wani, I want you badly and not just for tonight. Allow me worship you like the goddess you are, I know there are many on the queue but try me, jo” (please)
“Enu po”
she tuts, squeezing on your shoulder softly.
“Luckily for you, I want you even more”.
Sealing the beginning of an endless euphoria between you two.
Thank you for reading and Happy Valentine’s Day, here’s a playlist I made to match the vibes of this story. You’re welcome xx
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