Sadiq Leje Isa
Sadiq Leje Isa
2 months ago

I wish I was a kid again, when I had all the answers.

The difference is that was then, this is now.

I remember laughter, pure and free,

Unbridled joy, wild and carefree.

I chased butterflies, and danced in the rain,

And every day was a new adventure to gain.

But that was then, and this is now,

A different time, with different vows.

I've grown up, and the world's moved fast,

And sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in the past.

I wish I could turn back the clock,

To a time when life was simpler, less rocky.

But time keeps moving, and I must move too,

And find my way, in this world anew.

That was then, when I thought I knew,

What life was all about, and what I'd do.

But this is now, and I'm still learning,

Still growing, still yearning.

I've made mistakes, and I've faced fears,

And I've learned to wipe away tears.

I've found strength, in the darkest night,

And I've discovered, a beacon of light.

That was then, when I thought I was strong,

But this is now, and I know I'm not wrong.

I'm still finding my way, through trials and strife,

But I'm learning to trust, in the beauty of life.

I wish I could go back, to a simpler time,

But I know that's not possible, and it's not mine.

This is now, and I must make the most,

Of every moment, every breath, every boast.

So I'll take the lessons, from that was then,

And I'll apply them, to this is now, again and again.

I'll keep on learning, growing, and finding my way,

And I'll make the most, of every new day.

That was then, but this is now,

A new chapter, a new vow.

I'll write my story, with every new line,

And I'll make it count, with every new shine.

So here's to the past, and the memories we hold,

And here's to the present, with its stories yet untold.

I'll cherish the moments, from that was then,

And I'll make the most, of this is now, again and again.

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