James 1:6 (MSG)
"People who "worry their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open."
In my previous post "Jehova Jireh - The God Who Provides", I shared one of my many experiences of how God meets us at the point of our needs. Even when it comes to matters we'd usually consider too trivial for someone like Him.
Today I'm going to build on that by sharing a common problem that all Christians deal with—doubt.
Like the people of Israel during the Exodus, it is extremely easy for us to doubt God's ability to come through for us despite the signs and wonders that might've come before. We become restless, uncertain about whether God will do what He said He would, and begin to look for other ways to meet that need. In those moments, we fail to realize what we're really saying is "I don't trust You enough. I know you said You would, but just in case you don't, I should be ready."
Nearly two hours after speaking with my laundry woman, I began to worry that she would not show up as promised. I tried calling her, but her phone was switched off, and my agitation began to morph into a panic. My mind began racing over the best way to manage what now seemed like an inevitable loss.
It seems God, in His infinite mercy, was watching me struggle with my doubt. So He asked me why I was worried and if I already doubted what moments before I considered a miracle. Somehow this left me feeling reassured. To pass the time, I decided to rewatch a prayer session from earlier that day, that I had missed. Coincidentally, the focus was on trusting in God fully.
Not long after I heard a familiar voice calling, "Ore mi, I don reach."
How many times have we been in a similar position? It is human to doubt, especially when so much is out of our control. But today, I implore you to quit the worrying and cast all your fears at the feet of Jesus. After all, He's not a man that can disappoint you like everyone else. Never has and never will.
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