The killings had been happening more frequently. Some were silent, and a body would be seen on paths near the outskirts of town. Others were strategic and planned by the townspeople to entertain themselves. The last one was unexpected and no one would have known about it except the one who died herself.
It happened yesterday. The townspeople were going about their day with their usual darkness. They went about the market square bargaining, buying, selling, chatting. All was as it was.
Then, a girl, looking not much younger than 18, stood on the ledge of the fountain at the centre of the market. It looked like no one was paying attention to her.
I watched her reach into the thigh pocket of her cargo pants and bring out a torch.
I sensed dread gurgling in my stomach at the sight of it. My knees started shaking, my feet stayed glued to the ground, but I had to start running, I had to run NOW. Before she did it, before she-
A beam of light shone from the centre of the market as the girl put on her torch. The whole market fell silent at once. She started speaking as loud as her voice could allow her.
"Listen, people of Skotia!
Men, Women, Children, Babes. All of you!
How long will you dwell in darkness?
How long will you live in and celebrate the depravity of your minds?
You mocked and scorned the sun in all its strength till it passed away.
Creation honoured the King in its existence, but your wickedness sucked the life out of her
So there'd be nothing to challenge your evil ways with the existence of the Creator
You did not glorify Him as God; you made yourselves figures like yourselves, and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things
As though you were the Creator!
You despised the truth till your consciences darkened, and your hearts could perceive it no more.
You live on in your darkened hearts, denying the truth,
But you can choose to live in light!"
By now half the market had come to the fountain to see the spectacle. Lighters were never seen speaking in public, especially not with their torches. That could only be described as a death wish.
"And who told you we want your light? Have you not seen what is done to Lighters like you?" A gruff-looking man with red eyes and a grizzly voice raised his own against hers, echoing through the market square.
"Denying the truth won't stop it from being truth
You ought to know, you ought to hear, so you can believe!
The true light has come into the world so that men might be saved; it's the only way!
He is coming again for us, for those who believe!"
A lady still holding the attachment she was picking before she came to listen had lost her patience and had heard enough; she croaked mockingly.
"Here they go again with their "He is coming" nonsense; someone ought to round them all up and have them killed together!"
"Yeah!" the people agreed in one voice, but the girl was undaunted.
" 'The Day of the Lord is coming, burning like an oven, and all the proud and those who do wickedly will be stubble.
And the day which is coming shall burn them up,' says the Lord of Hosts.
'that will leave them neither root nor branch.'
But to those who fear His name, The Sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings: and they shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves and trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of their feet on the day that He does this.
In my hand is a fraction of the Light you have so despised.
I stand as a reflection of Christ, bearing witness to the Life that is in Him."
Cat-like hisses rose from different corners of the market,
People reaching for their sticks, tyres, stones,
Loud cries of anger arose from the people at the fountain
"I was once like you, comfortable in the darkness-"
A large stone knocked her into the fountain.
"Shut up!"
She pulled herself up, blood oozing from the side of her head, raising her voice louder than the raging mob heading her way.
"But He called me into His marvellous light."
A thick hand pulled her out of the fountain into a tight circle of tyres, another held her firmly as she was doused with fuel,
She spat the petrol out of her mouth and cried out, her voice laced with pain yet defiant.
"And He said to me, "You are the light of the world!"
Many sticks started landing blows all over her body, her blue t-shirt now stained red.
"A city set on a hill that cannot be hidden!"
A blow to her head knocked her to the ground breathless, and people spat at her, cursed her,
"Kill her!!!" The mob roared.
They stomped on the torch till it was unrecognisable little pieces of black plastic.
A match was struck and thrown into her circle.
She looked at the sky, face swollen, bleeding, beaten, unafraid. I saw her smile as the flames rose and I started running.
Running till my feet hurt, my eyes blinded with tears. I crouched in a corner, shaking, trying to stop the tears from falling, trying to breathe.
Why were these people shining their light when they knew they would die for it? They had seen something more than life.
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