Okay ; Counting Blessings.
Adebimpe Ayomide Oluwatosin
Adebimpe Ayomide Oluwatosin
15 days ago

At the beginning of September, I started something new: noting down the good things that happened daily—big or small.

This habit became an eye-opener. You see, it’s very easy for me to get trapped in a cycle of carelessly going through the motions of time. Days become weeks, weeks become months, and by the time I realize it, I’m left with vacuums for memories. Noting the good things in my life daily has made me realize how blessed I truly am, how God’s hand is in everything that concerns me. I’m learning that it’s easier to see His hand when I intentionally look. How much more the things He’s doing behind the scenes I can’t see! I’m learning to count my blessings, and I have been better for it.

I’m so excited, I decided to share my first month’s entry. 


3rd: I got a good room and a good roommate; though not the room I wanted, it was even better.

4th: Debbie accompanied me to fetch provisions; she displayed kindness, and it made me happy.

5th: I rested all day.

6th: I opened a Substack account again and made a milkshake site.

8th: Debbie and I prayed together, and I’m grateful that she’s my roommate.

7th: I am alive, I am well, I am here. 

9th: The Holy Spirit helped me apologize where I was wrong; I got inspired through it to write my first piece for Substack.

10th: I published a piece I’m proud of on Substack with the help of the Holy Spirit; my daddy surprised me with a new camera (after acting like he wouldn’t get it); I auditioned for a voice acting role in a comic.

11th: I ate biscuits with milk; it tasted good. I watched “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” FINALLY.

12th: Freda gave me an amazing black pen; I helped someone with cramps. I didn’t get the voice role I auditioned for, but I immediately realized how that was a good thing at this time.

13th: Rebecca Ince wrote back and was so nice to me ; she gave me feedback on my first Substack piece. I’m so… happy !!! *screams and runs around

14th: I got four books from Ezinne Zara’s Book Sale ! 

15th: My daddy came to visit, and we had a heartfelt discussion that healed a part of me; he brought my new camera. My mum sent so much food to me, and I shared it with friends.

16th: The Holy Spirit inspired me to edit a journal entry from last year, for Substack. 

17th: I got my BLS certification with a perfect score of 25 ! 

18th: Strength. Three hours of sleep in 24 hours, and I don’t feel weak or tired. I was disciplined. The Holy Spirit helped me with my project. The Holy Spirit made a way for me and opened my eyes. The Holy Spirit loves me. The Holy Spirit wants me to know He is here, and He will never leave me.

19th: I sent an appreciation gift to my mum, and she was so happy. 

20th: I applied for President of the student association’s new readers’ club, and I paid for my council exams.

21st: I went for HOKC praise night with Deborah, and it was so good. I danced till my legs hurt ! 

22nd: I rested, watched movies, and read my Bible (after being in a slump for some days).

23rd: It is well o. Thank God say belle no be showglass. (for non-Nigerian readers, this means ‘thank God I don’t look like what I’m going through’ hehe)

24th: I saw Murewa!!!

25th: I was paralyzed by fear concerning my research project ; God reassured and comforted me in church with Isaiah 43:2.

26th: I posted a Substack piece.

27th: The Holy Spirit gave me strength to pray (although I wanted to sleep, He didn’t leave me alone until I eventually sat up and started to pray). I FINALLY found my hostel file (and in the weirdest way !!! God has a hand in it for sure *smirks*).

28th: I started watching “The Chosen.” I boldly stood up for what I believed in.

29th: God made a way; my needs were perfectly met.

30th: I journaled and poured my heart out. I was sad and in a pool of tears, feeling very weighed down; I asked the Holy Spirit for help with the little strength I could muster, and He comforted me. I saw the month’s end; it didn’t see mine.

Well, there you have it. The first month of counting my blessings everyday. I know God did much more : I may not have considered some things as blessings at the time, and I might have taken some blessings lightly.

I am grateful to God, for everything. EVERY SINGLE THING. I do not own anything, all that I am and have were freely given by Him. No single body of writing can capture my heart’s gratitude. 

I hope this encourages you, my dear, to stay thankful. Thank Him for even the ‘bad’ things because they serve as reminders that your help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth (Psalm 121:2). Thank Him for the air in your lungs, never take it for granted. Thank Him because the roaring lion has not, and will not devour or consume you ; It is by God’s grace. 

Thank Him in and for everything. 

Thank you El Roi, for September. 

Thank you in advance, for October.

Image used for Story Cover by Anastasiia Ph on Pinterest 

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