20 days ago

Every writer has a different writing style. I think it's cause every writer wants you to feel something when they write something specific but differing from writer to writer.

Sometimes a writer wants you to feel what they feel, some others want to make you feel something else. They put characters in certain positions and manage to create empathy, or anger or the sweet relief of catharsis. They paint a picture. I do this very well, but maybe I dont want to do that with this platform at least not yet. I joined Iko cause I wanted to scream into a void without judgement. Don't get me wrong I want more than anything to be a writer a good one, great even. But I keep painting pictures and trying to get into the mind of my readers (future readers), I wanted perfect pictures , perfect stories with perfect grammar and perfect punctuation that would captivate readers and eventually become the perfect award winning book. I still do ( I'm allowed to want multiple things at once) But I have so much to say, so much I think about that is odd and funny and a bit strange. Most of my opinions are unpopular and I want to stop caring so much. I want to stop reading peoples poems or short stories and thinking I should write like that, it sucks.

Writing should be expressive. I want to express myself, maybe by screaming ( or typing aggressively)

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