Jeremiah Ashu
Jeremiah Ashu
a month ago

She is my princess, my pumpkin, and my blood. How wonderful it felt that day when I called her mine, how the doctors with so much joy broke the news to me. Overjoyed! I couldn't fathom the idea that she was mine—the idea that she was an extension of myself; my blood made flesh. I wonder if my parents felt the same when they received me.

The joy of holding her in my arms was overwhelming that I became terrified. I feared losing her - what if I dropped her what if I slipped and she slipped from my grasp - these were my thought. Like a helpless chicken fighting a losing battle to save it chicks, I struggled to suppress this thoughts, but nonetheless the intruded! There was a raging war between my happiness and my trepidation. Did my parents feel the same way? She was my first my very first, an initiation, into a new arena of life.

With the never ending years she grew, with love and everything, oh! How I loved that she gree before my eyes(it was special to me). I remember when she was just a few week old, we would talk about stars, galaxies, the solar system and the earth. she cooed in delight as I said those things. I wasn't offended that she didn't reply or ask question, at that moment, it didn't matter. What mattered the most, was that she was there with me.

The running years came again, this time an adversary. How much I wanted to spend my day with her, either wasted at work or fastened by the ever flowing sand of time. If Aladdin gifted me his lamp I will wish for extra time. Notwithstanding I fought this friend turn foe(TIME) - I called sick when I was healthy, buying myself extra time with my dear pumpkin.

It was then time to give her up. I stood at the gate and watched her walk into a new world, far away from the comfort of home. All she needed to survive in this new world was a provision bag, mattress, locker and home training. She walked further into this new world with her brand new pair of socks.

This "new world" Had the most profound influence on my pumpkin. For the first time my dear pumpkin saw me as a burden; a disturbance. I wasnt bothered it is one of the many phase of life.

I can remember that day vividly - it was the first day of the week, the atmosphere was still and the clouds were dark, grey and gloomy, it was like the gods were angered and the world were expectant of their wrath.

A call came in, it was from that new word. They things the said about my pumpkin, made my heart ache. They horrible things they said she did; how she treated those who where her underling, how evily innovative she was with her methods of punishment. That was not all, they said she shamed those, who for no fault of theirs appeared different, that she went as far as making them feel worthless.what could have caused this behaviour? This was unlike my pumpkin who grew up with love and everything. Also i was told she holds a title in this new world "MADAM KOI KOI" because of how wicked she is.

I have heard many parent complain bitterly how the new world failed by letting their pumpkins fall victim to this predators. My case was different my daught was the predator, a terror.... She was a BULLY!

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