Immaculata Essien
Immaculata Essien
a month ago

When I close my eyes and lie on my bed, I drift into my subconsciousness and see you in that place called "Dream Land." That's the only place I can see you now.

When I'm awake, I can't see you, and it hurts. All I want to do is close my eyes and dream of you. You've become a memory - a bittersweet one that brings only one result: sadness.

If I could dream of you every night, I'd be okay, I'd be content. That's the only place I can see you now, "In My Dreams." I don't know where you are now, but I hope you're okay, making yourself feel at home.

I hope you're being you - carefree, fearless, kind, loving, funny, and caring, the sweet and talkative you. I hope you're not sad, upset, disappointed, or regretful. Although your time was taken from you before its time, and in the most shameful manner, I want you to know that you shouldn't be.

This world is ugly and sucks most times, but you're still loved - loved by God, loved by the people who always loved you, still cherished by them. Even though we can't see you again, you're always in our hearts, keeping it warm.

Even if your legacy dies, and everything you did is erased, like it never existed, the little things you did for us will forever live with us in our memory. Your name will forever be engraved in our hearts until we meet again on the other side.

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