Easter Celebration In The Catholic Church
Immaculata Essien
Immaculata Essien
a month ago

Easter is a significant holiday in the Catholic Church, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It is a celebration of:

• Victory over sin and death: Jesus' resurrection demonstrates his power over sin and death, offering hope and salvation to humanity.

• Redemption: Easter marks the fulfillment of Jesus' mission to redeem humanity from sin and its consequences.

• New Life: The resurrection symbolizes new life in Christ, offering believers a share in His divine life.

• Hope and Renewal: Easter represents a renewed promise of eternal life, inspiring hope and spiritual renewal among Catholics.

• Triumph of Good over Evil: Jesus' resurrection signifies the triumph of Good over evil, light over darkness, and love over hate.

The Easter celebration in the Catholic Church begins with a 40-day period of prayer, fasting, and penance preceding Easter. During this period, Catholics are to abstain from meat on Fridays, especially Good Friday. They are to avoid overindulging in food, drink, or entertainment. Catholics are to give up non-essential luxuries like expensive clothing or jewelry. They are to try and break bad habits like gossiping, swearing, or watching excessive TV and reflect on and try to avoid sinful behaviours, seeking forgiveness and reconciliation.

Still during this period, Catholics increase their prayer time, especially during lenten devotions like stations of the cross. They fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, and consider fasting on other days. Every Catholic is expected to increase charitable giving, volunteering, and acts of kindness, reading and reflecting on scripture, especially the Gospels. They are to attend mass regularly and participate in Lenten devotions like Stations of the Cross, Lenten retreats, or prayer groups. Catholics are to engage in acts of charity, such as helping the poor, visiting the sick or supporting missions.

The final week during the Lenten period which leads up to Easter is termed the ' Holy Week '. The Holy Week is a separate liturgical period within Lent focusing on the final days of Jesus' life, passion, death and resurrection. It's a time of intense prayer, reflection, and devotion, leading up to the Easter celebrations. The Holy Week begins from Palm Sunday a significant event in the Christian liturgical calendar. It is the Sunday before Easter Sunday and its significance is that it memoralize Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The Monday after Palm Sunday is known as Holy Monday, it is a significant day honouring Jesus' cleansing of the temple.

The Holy Tuesday signifies Jesus' teachings and controversies, the Holy Wednesday which is also known as Spy Wednesday commemorates Judas' betrayal and Jesus' anointing. The Easter Tridium is a three-day celebration (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday), marking the core of the Easter mystery. It consists of the Holy Thursday also known as Maundy Thursday which honours Jesus' last supper and institution of the Eucharist. During this day there's always Mass of the Lord's Supper, washing of feet and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The Good Friday, a significant day commemorating Jesus' Passion and Death on the cross. The passion of the Lord service , the veneration of the Cross and Communion service takes place during Good Friday. The Holy Saturday also known as Easter Vigil, commemorates Jesus' rest in the tomb and preparation for resurrection. An Easter Vigil Mass, lighting of the Easter candle and baptisms and confirmations occur during the Holy Saturday.

The Easter Sunday Mass, a joyful celebration of Jesus' resurrection often accompanied by special music, decorations, and traditions. It commemorates Jesus' victory over death and sin, marks the fulfillment of His mission to redeem humanity and celebrates the empty tomb and Jesus' appearance to his disciples. There's a celebration of the Easter Sunday Mass, followed by Gloria and Alleluia chants. Easter candle lighting, baptisms and confirmations, special Easter hymns and music are sung and families gather to feast and celebrate. Easter Sunday marks the culmination of the Easter Tridium and the end of Lent.

After Easter Sunday comes the Easter season, a 50-day period extending the celebration and emphasizing the significance of Jesus' resurrection.

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