Echos From The Broken Promise
a month ago

I could have sworn with my last breath that he would be my forever.

I remember how looking into his eyes felt like I was touching heaven.

How his first touch grazed mine and we both knew we would make history.

A constant thought in my mind, ever present in my thoughts...

Oh Lord.

I remember how he slipped away after promising me forever, moved on with such swiftness that left me feeling like a forgotten shadow, a ghost in his past.

Is my heart on the verge of bursting? cause that's the electric fervor that courses through me with each sunrise, with each new dawn...

« We are perfect together » , he said. « A perfect match… »

Our daughter would have had his eyes, and our son, mine.

I remember how he looked me in the eyes, telling me of his affection…oh not for me, but for another. Same "another" he had sworn he had nothing to do with.

I remember how my heart sank like a stone thrown into a silent abyss.

How could he, so easily betray the trust we built together? And move on like it were merely a whisper in the wind?

How could he?

How could he leave the remnants of a heart shattered by his selfishness,

with nothing but « I'm sorry » —I’m sorry, of what use is that frail phrase?

Can it mend the fragments of this shattered heart?

this heart so torn, so shredded?

Oh these pieces —my pieces, how do I gather them?

How do I make them whole again?

Looking into the mirror, is a reflection of eyes crimson red,

lips quivering like an unending tournedo,

face a canvas of unspoken grief and unraveling thoughts.

What is left of me?

The girls think I've losing my sanity, I fear they may be right.

Oh Lord.

…will you save me?

My forever has crumbled to dust.

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