The year that tested me
Oghuma ikpemosi Divine
Oghuma ikpemosi Divine
a month ago

It’s September already, and as I sit back to reflect and think and then I tell my self a lot and wonder how I scaled through this both mentally physically and spiritually mind you my spiritual aspect is me trying to say how good God is.

I’m amazed at how much this year has thrown at me and at the same time shocked and more importantly how I’ve managed to get through it. The year started off like any other, but as the days went on, it became clear that 2024 had its own unique set of challenges than the past years From economic hardships in the country to personal battles, it felt like the world was closing in till now self i still feel that way but I believe that with God it’s going to be better in no time

Prices spiked making even the simplest necessities a luxury like…. There were days when I stood in line at the store, my budget barely stretching to cover what I needed and I just laugh and say what have we brought upon ourselves. I would often wonder how much more I could take, feeling the weight of uncertainty pressing on my chest. But even in those moments, there was a spark of hope most times it comes and goes.

I would tell myself, “You’ve been through worse. This won’t break you.” 

And somehow, it didn’t. Every month seemed to bring a new challenge. Work became stressful, and personal relationships were strained especially with the people I cared about most this really got me worked up that I started wondering self. The tension in the country echoed in my own life like I really knew anything about it but with the daily complains I knew it was a lot but I knew I couldn’t let that stop me that’s what I believed in and told myself

One thing I held onto was my routine waking up every morning, praying for strength, and reminding myself that every tough season comes to an end. It wasn’t just blind hope it was a quiet confidence that I had within me, knowing that God had brought me through hard times before, and He would do it again.

I remember a specific moment in April. I was hit with an unexpected expense that nearly wiped out my savings Infact it did. I sat in my room that evening, head in my hands, feeling overwhelmed. I didn’t know how I was going to make it through. But I prayed, really prayed, asking God for direction. And that same week, an opportunity I hadn’t even thought of before opened up. A friend mentioned a freelance gig, and within a few days, I had enough to cover the expense and more.

Then there was the issue of relationships. There were moments of deep misunderstandings, arguments with friends and loved ones that I thought would never be resolved and I already gave up and thought of it I struggled, especially with an anonymous friend. There were times when I thought we might never see eye to eye again and that even if we see I wasn’t going to stand high calling this person a friend. But one evening, something shifted. It wasn’t anything dramatic just a simple conversation, the kind that clears the air and reminds you that some things are worth fighting for. That moment was a turning point for me, a reminder that God’s timing is always perfect, even in relationships. I believed but some few days still went back to doubting.

Now, as the year is winding down, I can see the lessons more clearly. This year has taught me. It’s taught me that no matter how tough things get, there’s always a way through the only way is for you to get through God

I’ve learned to lean on God in ways I never thought I would. His goodness was present not just in the big miracles, but in the small, everyday moment the times when I found unexpected help, when a friend sent a text just when I needed it, or when I managed to stretch my last few coins into enough things seemed like I was dreaming and in a way I still feel I’m yet to wake up from this dream

2024 hasn’t been easy, but it’s been a year that’s shown me just how much strength I have. I’ve scaled through not by my own power, but by grace. And as the months ahead approach, I know that whatever comes next, I’m ready.

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