Precious Agba
Precious Agba
a month ago


Hi everyone. 

My name is Coco and I’m in a season of my life where I have to heal from hurt. The HOLY GHOST is taking me through a healing process which started last month. Believe me I’m made up of hurt and pain so much that my mindset is built or was built out of the hurt/pain accumulated in me. Because of hurt & pain which I didn’t care to handle, my Spirit man built up a defense system on its own to shield and prevent people from hurting me and causing me pain unknowing to me that the wall I had built which was meant to stop or prevent people from hurting me was also shutting out the HOLY SPIRIT.

Last month being March, the HOLY SPIRIT began to speak to me about it and gave me reasons as to why I need to heal and allow him to work on me. See just like if there’s a wound and it is not tendered to or healed, when someone comes and slaps that spot where that wound is , the pain you will feel, the excruciating pain you feel is not because of the slap but because there is a wound that has not been taken care of or healed….

I was shocked and never knew how much damage I had let happened to me because of hurts from family members, friends, people around, coursemates, lecturers, Parents , social media e.t.c. So the first thing I did was to be plain about everything to JESUS, then tell him how I always want to be treated and everything. You know before I felt I can’t talk to GOD about hurts and pain but I found out that that’s the aspect of my life the HOLY SPIRIT is more concerned than any other parts and aspect. Yes the LORD cares about our well-being, he is not religionists nor Pentecostal. 

And when I began to open up to the LORD, I found out that even people around me that I felt or thought bad about had also gone through some certain things I went through and their reaction towards me was because of that wall, that defense system that they had built …. the same thing I was going through (they refused to accept healing). 

And I realized that a lot of people are just hurting . A lot of believers are seriously hurting and some don’t even know they are hurting while some know but they refuse to acknowledge it and ask for help and for this purpose GOD took me through that phase and experience in other to use me to get to those who are hurting, to reach out to them and relate with them then heal them and bring them into a higher dimension of love.

You know, I have also spent considerable energy over the years trying to downplay any success that came my way because I did not want any of my ‘friends’ to envy me. Do you know what it’s like to go through life always trying to pretend that you don’t deserve any good thing, just so you don’t hurt anyone’s (fragile) ego? It’s horrible.

Galatians 1:10;

For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

I thank GOD for everything. I’ll keep you all posted about the healing process.

Goodnight. GOD bless you.


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