Immaculata Essien
Immaculata Essien
2 months ago

Dear Peter,

I hope this letter finds you well. It's been a while since we last spoke, and I've been missing you a lot lately. That's one of the reasons I'm writing to you today.

Do you remember our last conversation? You mentioned that if you didn't reach out for a while, I should write to you and share my experiences over the past year. Well, here it is! I hope you have enough time to read this, as it's going to be a long letter.

This year has been a mix of smooth and rough moments. I took your advice and joined a writing community, which helped me gain some confidence in my writing. Although I know I still have a long way to go, I'm grateful for the progress I've made. I also participated in a writing challenge, which exposed me to various writing styles and techniques. It's been amazing to connect with like-minded individuals.

I appreciate your guidance and support. I've also started my savings journey, which has been challenging. Saving up and paying off debts hasn't been easy, but I'm determined to reach my goal of buying a laptop by the end of the year. I hope you can support me, as promised. I'm still hoping to raise the necessary funds in the remaining months.

Regarding my studies, I haven't received my results from the last semester's examination, but I'm hoping for a good grade point average. Although my cumulative GPA isn't encouraging, I promise to work harder and improve my performance in the remaining years. I've resumed a new semester and will create a reading timetable soon.

I've also started learning a new skill to earn money, but it's been stressful. I had to borrow a friend's device to continue. I want everything to go well, so I can start saving and learning more profitable skills before I leave school. Next year, I'll be going for my Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES), and I hope we can meet up before then. I'm still unsure about the location, so I'd appreciate your advice.

I haven't received any scholarships, and I'm not sure I'm interested anymore. I've decided to focus on my current priorities.

Please write back and share your experiences, wins, and losses this year. I hope to hear from you soon. Stay safe.

Best regards,

The Story_Teller

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