How To Make Money As An African Man
Okpara Augusta
Okpara Augusta
2 months ago


Akurukpu was an African man who lived in an African place with his wife and children. Akurukpu had three sons and no daughter.

Akurukpu had grown up as an orphan and as such, he never had the opportunity to call someone a father.

Or to get scolded with fatherly love.

Or to have a model he would aim to be like when he grew up.

After marrying his wife, Akurukpu made a vow to himself that he would make sure to teach his sons everything that he had learnt in life.

One day after dinner, he suddenly announced.

"What is the most important thing in life?"

"Family" said the first born, Mahumas.

Akurukpu acknowledged the answer but turned to the second born for his opinion.

"Knowledge" said the second born, Biya'g.

Akurukpu acknowledged the answer but turned to the third born for his own opinion.

"Love" said the third born, Ofusere.

"You are all right in your way but you are also all wrong." he replied gruffly.

"How,Father?" asked Mahumas.

"All these things you mentioned are important but there is something that rises and rules above them. That thing is money " said Akurukpu.

Biya'g curiously spoke to counter his father's statement. "But the man of God told us that love is the greatest of all things and money is the root of all evil".

"Not money, my son but the love of money." he replied.

"Father, I don't understand" asked the first born again.

"Family is good but if I didn't have money, do you think we will be happy in this family?"

The boys shook their head.

"Some family members will even fight and kill themselves over money.Money rules above family."he said.

Akurukpu noted that the boys were listening with rapt attention so he continued.

"Knowledge is good and also very powerful.

The mad man is not mad because he is sick.The mad man is mad because he knows too much.He knows more than he can comprehend. And so he cannot process the knowledge into information and put it to good use.He cannot use the knowledge and make money and that is why he eats from the waste dump and he wears tattered clothes.

If the mad man had money, people would have made him the King of the village. 

Knowledge without money is almost useless. That is the reason why you see men of knowledge selling information and secrets to men with money.

Love…Hmm. Love must be proven by action. Money is needed to perform some certain actions that will serve as proof of love.

Without that proof , there is no love.

Do you understand?"he asked.

"No father" his sons chorused together.

Akurukpu's wife came into the parlour carrying a huge tray filled with hot beans and yam.

"It's time for food" she announced while dropping the tray on the dining mat.

Since it was dinner time, he decided to summarize his discourse.

"Listen, boys. Money is very important. 

Money is King and all others are elders that sit in the King's cabinet. Their ideas cannot work without the King's approval.

When you boys are of age,I will let you know how to make money as an African man."


In 3 years, Akurukpu's first son was of age. 

Akurukpu told his wife that he was taking Mahumas to the market and that was where they went to.

"I have provided for you up till today and now you are a man. I will not provide for you anymore, you must learn to fend for yourself but I will tell you how to make money.

The first way to make money as an African man is to serve a man.

Look at the fish seller, he has a boy that is always accompanying him,is it not?"

"It is,father." answered Mahumas.

"You must find something that you are interested in. Something that you will be proud of, to call the works of your hands.

Find a master, someone who is good at it ,follow the person, obey all he says and learn that skill. Be patient.

The money that comes from serving a man will take a long time to come to you but when it comes, it will be yours forever.

I will not tell you what I have not done.

So go ahead and use this information wisely.

When you make this money, come and tell me your experience." ended Akurukpu.

Mahumas thanked his father and they proceeded to buy some meat from the market.


6 years later, Akurukpu's second son Biya'g was of age.

Akurukpu told his wife that they were going to a marriage ceremony and he took Biya'g with him.

"6 years ago,I told your brother the first way to make money.

Now I will tell you the second way.

The second way to make money as an African man is to serve a woman."

"A woman?" Biya'g asked surprised that his father would say such.

"Yes, my son. Everything on this brown earth serves a purpose, even the woman. Dont look down on her."

"How could I possibly serve a woman?"asked Biya'g.

"Look at the couple seated over there? Who looks happier?"

"How can I tell,Father?"asked Biya'g.

"Look at their expressions..the excitement ,where can you find it?"

"The groom looks happier, Father." he replied.

"That is because he has more to gain. He is getting married to the chief's daughter and we know that Chief Sebun is the richest man in our town.

As they are one, the money belonging to the daughter, now belongs to them both.

Find a woman who has money, whether by inheritance or by ownership, find out what she wants, make her happy by doing it. Marry her, Obey her.

The money that comes from serving a woman comes easily. She will always be ready to give it to you but it will never be completely yours.

You will spend it but you won't have ownership of it.

I will not tell you what I have not done.

So, go ahead and use this information wisely.

When you make this money come and tell me your experience." said Akurukpu.

Biya'g thanked his father and they proceeded to present their gift to the newly married couple as was their custom.


4 years later, Akurukpu's third son,Ofusere, came of age.

Again, Akurukpu told his wife that they were going to a village festival and he took Ofusere with him.

"4 years ago, I told your brother the second way to make money.

Now I will tell you the third way.

The third way to make money as an African man is to serve a god." said Akurukpu

"A god?"

"Yes, my son."

"Father, I knew this already. The man of God says that God rewards those who–"



"Do you think I don't know the difference between God and a god?"

Ofusere kept quiet as he did not want to further upset his father.

"I know ,my son, that God is the giver of all good things. He will give you riches if He pleases but how will you know what He pleases? 

Ofusere, you can keep being righteous and holy, chaste and pure in heart, charitable and compassionate, however,if it is not in God's will for you to receive wealth, you will never receive it.

It will not come to you.

For God is not the one that you can summon by breaking three eggs at four corner roads.

He is not one that manifests after you bury a figure in your backyard and He requires not the blood of animals for sacrifice.

You cannot serve him in exchange for money. Your worship must be non-transactional.

Which is why you should look for a god you can control. A god that will be extremely overjoyed to be at your service.

Look at the priest in a trance."

Ofusere looked at the entranced priest some metres away.

"When this festival is over, they will bury him in the ground for four days. Once he comes out of communion with the earth gods, any barren woman he touches will be able to give birth.

He has served his gods and this power of conception is the gods way of serving him.

You must find a god who is willing to be your servant; who is more than happy to work for you. A god who is willing to give you money at your beck and call. 

The god will name a price, pay it, as long as it is less than a human life and then watch your rewards flow in.

The money that comes from serving a god will be fully yours but it will last only for a short time.

As quick as it comes, it will go.

I will not tell you what I have not done.

So go ahead and use this information wisely.

When you make this money, come and tell me your experience."

Ofusere looked at his father but he did not speak further.


1)What do you think Akurukpu means?

2)Do the names Ofusere,Biya'g and Mahumas remind you of anything in particular?

3)Why do you think Akurukpu's wife doesn't have a name?

4)What kind of father do you think Akurukpu is?

5)From the timelines that were stated to mark their coming of age, how old were Mahumas, Biya'g and Ofusere at the beginning of the story?

6)Which of the money making methods is the best for an African man?

7)Should there be a sequel to this story?

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