Josephine Inika
Josephine Inika
2 months ago

The bookstore where Nala worked was quite a busy one, as it was situated smack in the middle of campus. She had graduated over a year ago and was working at the store to save up money for coding camp. She was fascinated with programming and its myriad abilities. 

This morning before heading to work, she had checked her saving app. She saw she had reached half of her goal. All she needed was eight more months of consistent work and she would be on her way to camp. The thought of how close her dream was put a particular bounce to her step today and a huge pep to her mood.

She was extra cheerful to customers and even traded jokes with some. Her boss, Mrs Saki commented on her extra pep and teasingly asked her if she had gotten some last night. Nala grinned and replied that she doesn't hump and hoot or bang and boom or whatever the kids say. 

Mrs Saki laughed and walked back to her office. Someone else was also laughing and when Nala saw who it was, her lower belly clenched.

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