Justice In The Jungle
Okpara Augusta
Okpara Augusta
2 months ago

Once upon a time, there was a large jungle in Africa.

 Animals of different species and habitats lived there together, not in harmony, as a lot might presume but abiding by the law of nature. There were animals from the air, the land and the sea. 

The cats had ruled over the animal kingdom for a long time but there wasn't much progress. The lions were selfish and only cared about their pride, their wives and their cubs. The animals were being killed by the poachers but the cat family especially the lions didn't care. It got bad to the point that the animals decided not to let anyone from the cat family rule again. They wanted change so they sent the lions packing . 

They brought in a vulture as their new king.

"When the poachers see how ugly our king is, they would run away" they said.

 "At least he will not hunt our children for food because he's not a carnivore" they said. 

And so the vulture family ruled over them for 80 years. The vulture installed other birds in strategic positions around the jungle. 

The animals thought they were safe. What they did not know was that: the vulture made a deal with some foxes to go around and kill some animals so that it could come and eat the remains after they were dead.

This was a smart move because nobody would accuse the vulture of killing their own. 

If a fox happened to expose their plans, the fox would be found dead the next day. 

Thus, the vulture thrived by finding strategic ways to create decay in the kingdom for its own benefit. The animals began to suffer pro-max .

Even the bird family began to complain. They begged the vulture to change his mind and listen to them but the vulture didn't listen and he didn't care.

 Some animals even wished that the lions would come back into power and rule them. They waited patiently for 80 years of Rule telling this story from one generation to another. 

Finally, it was time to choose a new leader. The birds had ruled, the cats had ruled, some suggested that it was the turn of the dog family.

 Others suggested that it didn't matter which family ruled as long as they could take the animal kingdom to greater heights. Four worthy animals decided to volunteer themselves for service. 

The Hippopotamus came forward and said that he had served the animal kingdom before, under the lions and he has what it takes to move the kingdom forward.

The Shark from the fish family came forward and said that he has contributed significantly to the growth of the ocean population and he was sure he could replicate that with the whole Kingdom if given the chance. 

The Wolf from the dog family said he has age-long genes of the home dog and the wild dog so he has mastered discipline and selflessness. The wolf said it has the exact solution to the issues in the animal kingdom as he has done enough research and assessments on that.

The Bat came and it caused a bit of uproar. It said that it was its turn to rule because he was the one who installed the vulture in exchange for the vulture to repay the favour later on.

 The bat said the throne was his right and he will take it at all cost. The animals were surprised.

All this while, they thought they were the ones who brought the vulture into power. Not knowing that the bat, using its influence as both bird and mammal called for a secret meeting with the top birds and mammals in the Lion's regime and struck his deal with them.

 There were agreements and objections from all sides. Some animals said the Hippopotamus had ties to both the land and the water and so it would make a good leader. Other animals said the hippo had ruled before in the lions regime and he should pave way for others. 

Some animal said the Shark was competent and ferocious and he would make a good leader. Other animals said he wouldn't win because his influence was only in the ocean. 

Some animals said the Wolf had the discipline to do the right thing at all costs and would make a good leader. Other animals said the wolf came from a family that did not like to interact with other animals. They felt they were self-sufficient and were very proud. Even though it was the turn of the dogs, they should allow those with more influence to rule. 

Some animals said the Bat had strong connections and heavy influence to create a working environment for the animal kingdom. Other animals said the bat only worked at night and so it was not fit to govern them because he would be inactive during the day. 

Everyday, these four worthy opponents came to speak to the animals to convince them to choose them as their leader. 

Slowly, some animals began to buy into the message of the wolf. After all, if the right thing was not done, the tropical forests of the animal kingdom would soon be turned into a wasteland. 

Soon it was time for the animals to choose.

To the surprise of the Shark, the Bat and the Hippopotamus, a lot of animals came to choose the Wolf.

 The Hippo and the Bat were not happy and they hired the foxes and jackals to disrupt the peace of the animals who wanted to choose the wolf. 

 After the choosing ceremony was done, the Bat was announced at midnight as the new king of the animal kingdom. Many animals were overjoyed; a lot more animals were sad. They asked to see the process by which the Bat won.

 Both the Hippo and the Wolf challenged it. The Shark did not challenge it because he knew he lost honourably. 

 The Gorillas were in charge of the choosing ceremony because they were strong independent creatures who feared no animal. As time went by, the animals started suspecting that the gorrillas had been bribed by the Bat or the Hippo to proclaim false results. No one was sure of anything.

 When the Gorillas were confronted, they told all unhappy parties to go high and deep into the border mountains for the wise all-seeing Eagles to judge their case. 

At this, many animals felt heartbroken again. Going to the border mountain was not going to be easy. To climb, to navigate, to even convince the all-seeing Eagles was more difficult than changing a leopard's spots. 

Many animals expected that the Hippo should gather the land animals and protest. Others wanted the Wolf to call on its pack and protest. The Wolf surprised all animals when he announced that he would be going high and deep into the border mountains. The Hippo said it will do the same. They both picked a few of their animal friends and began the journey to the border mountains.

 During this time, a lot of animals began to make plans on how to leave the jungle and go into the city to live as pets. They may never need to hunt for food or run from their predators because their owners would love and cherish them. 

However, this came at a cost of not seeing their herd members again.

While the Wolf and the Hippo journeyed to the mountain, a lot of land animals who were on the hillside deserted them and went back home. They said it was better to find a way to survive another 80 years under the rule of the bat-family than to fight a losing war. 

Some members of the pack also deserted the Wolf. The Bat who was incredibly brilliant sent different emissaries to the wolf to beg him to desist or to threaten him to desist. The wolf did not budge.


When they got to the mountains, the Mountain Goats were assigned to each of them to hear their case and present them before the all seeing Eagles. 

It is important to note that, all this time the members of the cat family ; the lions, tigers, cheetahs, leopards,panthers were all watching. 

They would occasionally come out to say a thing or two but they refused to interfere directly.

 The truth is, the Gorillas know that the results they announced was not the right result which was why they shied away from transparency and accountability when the animals demanded it.

 Sometimes , some hummingbirds and hawks flew to the border mountains and back to tell the animals about the happenings in the border mountain which includes; How the mountain goats were representing their clients well(the Bat, the Hippo and the Wolf) and how a Jackal in Wolf's clothing came to disrupt one such meeting, all because of the interests of the Bat. 

 The big question the animals had on their mind daily was this; 

Would the all-seeing Eagles do the right thing for the prosperity of the jungle or would they be influenced by familial ties?

After all, the bat is as much a bird like they are.

 Would the all-seeing eagles turn a blind eye to Justice or will there really be Justice in the Jungle?

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