Finding Home
Eunice Bwala
Eunice Bwala
2 months ago

Long have I wandered, searching, seeking

Restless, I turn and toss all the night-long

And fuss and fret through the daytime

Wondering about this enigma called ‘home’

I am desperate to find it and have respite,

Yes, desperate to find it and have respite for my wandering, restless heart

I thought it was just ahead of me, frozen in the iceberg of time

When the morrow breaks, I shall find it

And when the yonder comes, it shall be in my grasp

Just a little more and I shall arrive its haven

Yet the cock crows, and the sun sets

The wind blows and the rain falls

And it is still beyond my reach

I have not found it in the clouds of day

I searched in vain for it in the stars at night

I have not glimpsed it in flight against the sky’s blue

Nor discovered it in the murkiness of the watery depths

It is not in the North and the South has heard rumours of it

Yesterday does not have it in her bosom

Tomorrow speculates what it could possibly mean

When I despaired and sank to despondency

When I thought I could never have it, never have respite 

The wind brought a whisper to my soul

That gave rest and joy to my heart

Home has never been more than a heartbeat away

Home is just within me, in a day called today



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