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Umar farouk
Umar farouk
2 months ago

In the daylight bus

your cologne topple on me

I harmonized on

the edge of your beam,

clinging on to your voice

as I ride the bumpy highway.


your humor neatly arranged for revival,

you charged the defibrillator

on daylight's face,

glossed it with solar wave.

You were friendly,

reciting poetry in a fluid voice.

I thought: finally!

Now I linger in & out

of your fantasy,

talking to you from every city

I go.

I am decreased to my emptiness

& you to a perturbed image

from another city

where the river is most costly lucid.

My thumb, your contact,

at its edge, dials the day.

And your city trails me

its sunrise awaking in my eyes.

©Mr khyroo

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