Home is Many Zipcodes
Raheemat Elewade
Raheemat Elewade
2 months ago

Home is many zip codes, many walls and many abodes,

It's that place with the red crimson walls you occupied in your first seasons of life

It's in your lover's embrace and your face in the crook of their neck.

When they tell you that they choose you a thousand times over/you'll know you are home,

Your mother does not apologize after a fight, she holds out a warm balm to you because she knows the cold is bad for your bones/you are home,

Home is that fuzzy blanket, an episode of kdrama and a bowl ice cream/even when when your world is collapsing,

Home holds your secrets in one hand and wipes your tears with another,

Home is the entire village raising you because a child doesn't belong to the parents alone.


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