The Asoebi
Winnie E. Eka-Williams
Winnie E. Eka-Williams
2 months ago

'Oge, you know that to start with, we do not even deserve to be invited to this wedding o'

I eyed Grace and put my fabric down on the bed. 'Look Grace, if you think you don't deserve to go for the wedding then good and fine- speak to yourself , as for me- i have worked hard, i have woken up everyday and dreamt of this wedding - i deserve to go more than anyone in this world" i informed Grace so that she would know that i wasn't in that beggarly position with her.

'Hm Oge, you know that we are not part of the family- it is only because the original family members did not honor the invitation and that is why it was extended to us o- don't you think we must see it as an-'

'Grace, you know what your problem is ? it is poverty mindset- Look, i wasn't pitied o- i worked for this thing, ever morning - i woke up and stood in front of the master's gate, the man knows my face and that's why he invited me- so , i'm not part of the pitied group abi mercy beggars- any name you guys call your group chat' 

'Wow Oge, hm- i'll ignore all the insults but why are you not sewing the asoebi that they shared? Why did you have to go and buy such a fabric that looks nothing like our garment that was shared? She picked up my sequence material and examined it with a confused look on her face. I snatched it from her hand. 

'Please don't use your beggarly hands on my fabric biko- look, i have used all of my life's savings to buy this material- it cost my arm, leg and my head sef' i informed her.

'Ah Ah Oge but they already shared asoebi and this is what we are all expected to wear- don't you think it is disrespectful that you-'

'Madam, i'm not going to wear that thing they shared for you people o- it is too basic, this is my own Asoebi, i want to make sure i stand out"

The D-Day had come and i laughed till my stomach hurt when i saw Grace, she wore a basic white dress that looked like it was even swallowing her, she put on brown sandals with no purse or anything.

As for me, I wore my red sequence dress from head to toe - i was shining! My clutch purse was dark green and my heels as well, then my gele? Hm, that one needs a whole new story to describe.

When we stepped out, as we walked down the street to the master's house- my gele had grown bigger because my head under the gele was swelling and swelling with the compliments from every direction. We showed our invitation cards to the men at the door and the door opened.

I had never seen anything like this before- the house looked like it was made of glass mixed with clouds, i gawked at the beauty of the interior, even the tables looked like mirrors- the food was fooding! The banquet table was filled to the brim, it looked like as soon as i imagined a cuisine, it would appear right in front of me. The only thing that was strange were the outfits, even the groom wore the boring white material , everyone else was dressed in it as well- i felt bad for them, they looked like servants and here i was looking like a Queen, in fact a king if i may. I laughed to myself and quickly started to eat all the small chops on the table. 

Before the ceremony started, i kept wondering where the bride was - everyone wore white so it was hard to even decipher the bride' s own white- then , the master came. As the curtains opened to Him seated on a throne, everyone fixed their eyes on Him, I tried to fix my dress and quickly clean my teeth. Then He stood up and started walking, the glory that preceded Him was terrifying. I noticed He was walking towards me- The other slaves with their poverty-mindset kept bowing, i stood up as he walked towards me- the dress worked, i was shining- he could not help but notice me! When he got close to me- He smiled, I smiled back.

'Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?"

'Eh-ehrm sir- urm, the thing is-'

The master turned to the servants. 'Bind her hand and foot, take her away and cast her into outer darkness; where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth- For many are called but few are chosen'

I could not believe what was going on, i noticed that their white garments started to shine and it shone like light itself but my asoebi was slowly turning dark, as they dragged me out - i wailed and wailed but nothing was going to make me wear such ugly clothes. They threw me outside and when the door was shut, the darkness started to torment me.

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