Black and Purple Part 3
Blossom Nosayaba Osakpolor
Blossom Nosayaba Osakpolor
2 months ago



Our first date was better than I expected.

I did my best to ignore all the warnings ringing in my head and I kept laughing at all his jokes.

He was not like the others who would spend all the time talking about themselves while I washed down the information with my drink. 

This Damian guy was patient, listened more than he spoke and laughed at all my dry jokes too.

It was a good distraction for me. 

“So, what do you do for leisure?”, he asked. 

I remember pausing, feeling disconnected from my surroundings for a few seconds before asking him to repeat his question.

He asked again and I rattled off a familiar answer. Things that people expect girls like me enjoy doing for leisure.


I didn’t lie. I used to love those things. It had just been a really long time since I actually did something fun. 

Work had become my life. 

The rest of the date passed quickly and he suggested we take a short walk before going home. As we walked, he didn’t try to hold my hand. He just stayed in step beside me, making small talk. 

“I would really love to see you again”, he said when we stopped. 

I sighed. This guy was persistent but I really wasn’t ready. 

“Not for anything serious and it doesn’t have to be anytime soon. I just want to be your friend” he quickly added. 

We both knew it was a lie.

“Friend. Just my friend?”, I asked.

“Yes. Just your friend”, he affirmed.

“Alright then, I’ll let you know. I should be free sometime next week", I replied.

He seemed satisfied with my answer.

I called an Uber and left a few minutes later.

He waited like the gentleman that he was until my cab had started moving and waved me goodbye.

I waved back and decided there and then that I couldn't see him again.

Did I stick with that decision? No.

I wish I did.

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