Failed promises
Faithful Ifeanyichukwu
Faithful Ifeanyichukwu
2 months ago

Today's weather seem to be cloudy after a heavy rainfall for the past two day.

Well, I was on my way to work, when I overheard a young man talking to his friend on the phone.

The young man said " Guy if you have any work for me, I am interested". His friend assured and promised to call back if there are any vacancy.

I looked at this young man so closely because the way he talked shows he's a graduate from any prestigious university in Nigeria.

Then, it occurs to me, how I looked for a job before getting hold of one.


While growing up, we were told to read and study hard in school. After school you will be given a job of your own.

After graduation, nysc, after serving your country, you are expected to have job.

When the job is not coming forth, you start calling uncles and aunty who have long promise you a job after graduation but at the end of the day, they never pick up.

You stay in your father's house for years,

Parents looking up to you to provide for the family

Siblings waiting for you to buy them nice dress and shoes.

I can go on and on.

To be honest, I respect any man who lay his hand in doing a clean job that will bring food to the table no matter how little the money.

Failed promises have made people involve themselves in crime

Failed promises have made people lose hope

Failed promises have made people give up on their dreams and aspiration in life.

I know how it feels but it's not the end.

Rise up and make a change for yourself.

Learn a skill or trade.

Remember there people that are waiting for you to get at the top.

Be prayerful and work hard.......

Till I write again.

Faithful Ifeanyi

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