What It Feels Like To Do What I Love
Immaculata Essien
Immaculata Essien
7 months ago

What do I love doing? what gets me so excited and all energized at the thought of doing it? What evokes those right emotions and gives me the sense of satisfaction when I do it?

It is writing!! Exactly what I am doing now, enlightening you on what it feels like to do something I love. Writing gives me a sense of happiness and delight just at the thought of doing it. Picture me having a stressful day and wanting to let off steam, I pick my journal and a pen and I just begin doodling whatever thoughts I have in my head and before I realize I have written a story.

Do you get that flow when you're doing something you love so much and you are completely absorbed and engaged that it just feels like time is just flying by? I get that feeling a whole lot when I write, is it a story, a poem full of so many errors or an essay or an article? No matter what I am writing I get this sense of fulfillment when I do it.

I get this thrills and eagerness to continue doing it despite a few disappointing comments or reviews, a sense of accomplishment and pride in my work when I am done. There's this feeling of calmness and ease as it brings to me a sense of comfort and enjoyment. A feeling of connection to myself, others, or a higher purpose as it gives me a sense of meaning and belonging.

So doing something I love gives me passion, a strong enthusiasm and energy for it. It gives me a sense of creativity and inspiration as it sparks new ideas and motivation. This what it feels like to do something I love.




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