0'27: The atmosphere of 2nd MB.
Ofobuike Chibuikem
Ofobuike Chibuikem
7 months ago

What do I do? Ever since I saw that fateful letter of admission, I’ve heard songs and stories about this time that is almost here. I’ve heard that I cannot speak loudly until I pass this stage. I have heard that it is the great divide, the rate limiting step. But now, that day is finally before me and I can almost touch it across the thin barrier of a few days, yet I do not feel the fear. That immense pressure I’ve learnt to feel for that day is absent, instead I feel tired. The ocean I’ve always trembled at the thought of seems to be only just a stream. So, days to the start of my 2nd MB exams, this is what I feel: it seems to be only just a stream.

It is funny because thankfully, some of my classmates share my thoughts too.

KC said, “Sorrowful as it is, I still want to watch my movies.” We are together in that, both of us. Though one should not think that we do not still make out a bit of time to watch the most interesting of them.

“You too?” was what I wanted to ask when Miracle said, “I feel relaxed actually.” But it’s reasonable and I agree with Ozioma when he said, “After the series of exams we’ve had, I don’t feel any pressure again.” Indeed, I think most of us have adapted to the rush and fear of med school exams.

Speaking of former tests/exam, I still vividly remember my first incourse, highly underrated like Divine said. A month to it, I had covered less than half of the course work. For the first time, I took coffee so I could study longer—a bad first experience that had me thinking I would die. It was my first time for many things apart from taking coffee. I read till 3am from evening (around 7pm); I used videos almost exclusively to study a whole course (lower limb) for lack of time; I almost cried (but didn’t) because of an exam…. It was a full ride and the seats were rocky.

So, I understood well, when my 001 said, “preparing for this 2nd MB exam while being class leader is one of the greatest challenges I've encountered in med school.” Truly, I imagine my weak bones and little flesh would have gone to rest had I been in his place. Though, unlike me, he has enough flesh to spare.

I also think it was this same stress that gave Bright his thought “there is more to life than mbbs.” There is indeed more to life, but medicine, medicine, medicine for those who know, can indeed become your whole life, and it is worthy.

I would like to add this from my friend, Felix, “Fear is just a construct of the mind, beat fear and about fifty percent of your problems are solved.” Anything to stay motivated, I guess. After all, we are in crazy times, like Ikechukwu said, but we dey sha.

Before I conclude, let me lament a bit. Exams are the periods I almost die, and I hate it.

A part of me wish my course mates and other students currently writing exams good luck. I hope we smile at the end.

I and my Ichie, Walter, wish that there was a bit more time to prepare, but hey, is it possible to ever be fully prepared?

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