A chair that is already sitting
No need to rest on it for you'll only add to it's burden
A chair that is already thinking thoughts that makes the mind fade, thoughts that bruise the soul and thoughts that sweeps you off your feet. Off your feet? Nah, this chair can't be swept because it's already seated
It's sitting on thoughts with depth and thinking so much that it can feel every bit of the Earth's own dirt
This chair is sitting and yeah we may knock it off from time to time
And yeah, we may sit on it too, not minding our extra weight as an addition to it's burden
This chair keeps on sitting
Heads down
Hands squeezed tightly into it's very own material like it's begging for life and hoping for death
It's feet clipped to the floor with so much depth that can be easily swept off by a small push
Regardless, this chair continues to sit
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