Eyitayo Jemimah Ajayi
Eyitayo Jemimah Ajayi
7 months ago

I sometimes think about what propelled me into writing. It was never an ideal world, if the world was, I won't bother to start journaling my frustrated feelings. The world would never be that ideal place for us because in the chaos, we find our muse. While I think the world is just okay for us as it, my split personality would like to differ. All of which might sound ironic but who knows?

But what an ideal world would have meant for us is putting our pieces out there without dampening criticisms. What this might sound ironic, allow me to explain! In writing is the expression of one's feelings and emotions and we sure have the right to express them.

They might not be validated but we have got to express them.

The world for writers is one where we get A for expression before being criticized for grammar, punctuation errors and even not being able to express ourselves well. That we may not kill Shakespeare in them. That's bullshit. There's no writer like the other.

The ideal world would have writers' express themselves without tranquility. It would be ideal for writers but bad for readers because they would have to bear the excesses and deal with the overexpression of writers. Readers would then have to take to the streets to protest the emotional burden oversharing of writers give them.

What would the ideal world be? I don't think I know what it is. I would just fumble with my own wants and call it ideal. Can any world ever be ideal? If there's any ideal world, it's probably a boring one .It is in the midst of chaos we find the muse that makes us bloom. Now, we can say we want violence- we don't want peace.

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