On friendship...
Ayobami Adetayo
Ayobami Adetayo
7 months ago

Friendship is a gift. It's a ground breaking miracle to find one that is true. Friendship isn't dependent on location, gender, age, education, or whatever. It's golden and it's one of the best things that can happen to anyone.

I know this because I've experienced it. I have people who would go to war for me and I'm super grateful for them. There are so many theories that social media people have cooked up about friendships and all that it's about. But I maintain that friendship is beautiful. It doesn't matter if you live miles away, if I love you and I have the means, I'll cross oceans to find you and remind you that you're a fool but I don't mind at all.

Channel our love languages into our friendships should be the norm, because nobody loves you quite as relentlessly as a true friend. Relationship people come and go, except they're the "one" for you. Friendship however cuts across gender, age, time, occupation, everything that we are. And we must let our friends know that they have our hearts not only by words but also by platonic love expressions.

Seeee, if your friend is doing nonsense and you can see it, tell them. Only your friends can lovingly tell you you're an idiot with one brain cell left and you'd get the gist.

Also, be careful to not expect too much. One thing I've realized is that as much as you'd cross borders for someone you consider a friend, not everyone would do that for you. And it is very hurtful to find out your "friend" wouldn't go the same lengths for you.

Finally, know that not everyone is your friend. Have boundaries! Your coursemate is your coursemate. Your hostel mate is your hostel mate. Your friend's partner is your friend's partner. Your church member is your church member. Don't raise people above the positions they belong to, except they deserve it.

All in all, love yourself. You're allowed to be selfish sometimes. Treat yourself with kindness. Speak well to yourself. Hold yourself with respect. Don't go around pleasing people at your own expense. You are your own cheerleader. Xoxo.

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