An Ideal World or An Alternate Universe? #prowriterschallenge #may
Lorna Izoma (delulu_writer)
Lorna Izoma (delulu_writer)
8 months ago

My ideal world will be one where men didn't see women as less.

Where there was no history of women being kidnapped and regarded as "spoils of war".

Where the comfort women of World War 2 did not exist and the exchange of women a means of payment was non-existent.


A world where hungry men did not kill their hungry wives for not cooking faster.

Where men and women aged like fine wine and not one gender reduced to aging like a cow’s byproduct.


My ideal world is one where slavery did not exist. Where humans did not judge another by their darker skin color.

A world where humans are intelligent enough to note that the colors of skin were only synonymous with the climate we were born into.

A place where we are judged by our works and not by the amount of melanin in our DNA.


My ideal world will be one where old people COULD NOT run for president.

Or if they did, it would be old people who cared for the young citizens.

The ones who cared for the future of the country and acted out of the good of the land. Not running off buying a yacht in the first 2 months of office.


My ideal world will be one where tribes and religion did not matter. A world where we all respected and loved each other.

Where people voted a man because of his deeds, not because they did not want a particular tribe to win.

A world where a people would get married out of love and respect, and not worry about the deep hatred brewing across families of contrasting tribes.


My ideal world would be one where there is empathy and kindness.

Love and joy.

A world where ₦1000 could afford bread, eggs, and tea again. Where money and hard work meant something.

A world where adulthood was something to look forward to and hope for.


A world where children actually have a future.

But alas.

My ideal world will only exist in my dreams, or another timeline.


Another universe maybe?

Or maybe it doesn't even exist.


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