My Ideal World
Chimburuoma chime
Chimburuoma chime
8 months ago


My ideal world is a place filled with love. Love radiates in our heart irrespective of our tribe and races. A world filled with peace and harmony, compassionate people, kind hearted despite the colour of our melanin.

My ideal world is a place with lot of adventures and tourism because our wide lives and ecosystems are well preserved. A world were nature is loved and cherished. Clean water, air and biodiversity is our watch word.

In my ideal world, No gender is neglected. Both males and females are granted equal rights, cherished and loved by both parents and relatives, no room for favoritism.

Education is a right for all. The government provides basic education for the less privileged. Our children are modeled to unleash their maximum potential without us detecting their field or career path. 

In my ideal world Justice and equality is served. The law court will be indeed the last hope of a common, poor and needy man. The rights of widows will not be snatched because of greed and bribery.

In my world, there is room for innovation and maximum creativity. Giving arts and sciences equal opportunities to express itself for the beautification, enrichment, improvement and development of our society.

A world where the poor are never oppressed and  allowed to give his opinion simply because he has no cash in his Aza. 

A world were our economical and political systems are stable. Our voices are heard, government is by the people and for the people.

In my ideal world, there is never any room for broken homes, divorces, infidelity and domestic violence. Our husbands loves and support us, seeing us as extensions of themselves. Not elevating our mistakes above our strength.

In my ideal world, wives are submissive, our opinions are valid. We serve out families with an opened heart because we are not seen as the tail but part of the head.

In my ideal world, the human race is spotless, soaring above limitations. Everyone is valued, every voice is heard and every heart is filled with hope for a better morrow.

#pro writers challenge 24

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