May Writing Prompt: My Ideal World #monthlychallenge #prowritechallenge24
Immaculata Essien
Immaculata Essien
8 months ago

In my ideal world, peace, love and harmony exist, enveloping every individual in a warm embrace. A world where violence, conflict and war are past memories, replaced by understanding, empathy, togetherness and compassion. A world where everyone can live without fear of persecution, discrimination or racism.

In this world the art of storytelling is alive and thriving, under the soft glow of full moons grandparents gather the young ones around sharing ancient folktales passed down through generations. These stories inspire young minds to dream big, to imagine a world beyond their wildest dreams. A world where creativity is fanned and allowed to grow.

In this world, childhood dreams are not just fantasies, but realities waiting to be fulfilled. Children are encouraged to explore their passions, to chase their dreams and to never give up. As they grow they are provided with the resources and opportunities to excel and to become the leaders of tomorrow.

In this world education is the key to unlocking potential, every child has access to quality education and every adult has the opportunity to continue learning and growing. Knowledge is power, and in this world power is shared equally among all and future leaders are taught to lead with empathy.

In my ideal world, the rich and the poor are equal. Resources are distributed equally and everyone has access to the same opportunities. No one has to suffer the indignity of poverty, the pain of hunger, or the fear of homelessness. Everyone has a roof over their head, food in their table and hope in their heart. In this world every voice is heard, every story is told and every heart is filled with love.

My ideal world is a world full of peace, love and harmony. A world where every individual can thrive, where every child can dream and where every leader can inspire. A world free from war, violence and discrimination. A world where every person is equal and every heart is full of love. This is the world I dream of, the world I hope for and the world I believe is possible.



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