A four letter word, Love
Amaka Clifford
Amaka Clifford
9 months ago

What does love mean to you?

They say love is blind – blind to your mistakes and your past. I say, love is wholesome, full of admiration, kind to correct your faults with care. Love is accepting and beautiful.

When they ask me what love is, I’ll say;

Love is with your favorite person in the world, who makes your heart flutter with butterflies but you never run out of peace.

Love is with family, those who never run out of care for you. Love is when your mom sets alarm for 12:00 to wake you up because you told her to. It is when she showers you with prayers, corrects you with the left hand and embrace you with the other. Love is patience.

When they ask me what is love, I’ll say;

Love is with your friends. They are always there for the good, the bad and the ugly. They make goofy videos of you, cook for you, cry with you when the going gets tough and tell you everything is going to be okay.

Love is when you tell them there’s no light at the end of your tunnel but they offer to buy torch so you could find your way around. Love Is action. It is beautiful.

Love is inclusive.

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