10 months ago


Kleptocracy is a concept that has been referred to with several expressions.

However, Kleptocracy has etymological root from the Greek words kléptēs or kléptō and kratía from krátos meaning "thief", "I steal" and "power, rule" respectively, also referred to as thievocracy. Simply put Kleptocracy is a government ruled by thiefs.

Put aside the fancy definitions and opinions of authorities, what do you think kleptocracy is?

I would say it is a for my-mouth-only system of government, It's a concept that has grown absurdly normal in my country's governance, a dangerous practice, growing cancerously, unmitigated. It is euphemistically referred to as Corruption. Kleptocracy in my country is worse than corruption.

A Jeremiad of my country’s suffering cannot bring the dangers of kleptocracy to an end. Kleptocracy is woven in the fabric of My countries governance. My country could be referred to as a theatre of absurdities featuring even worse absurdities. Kleptocracy in my country has created a stage for campaign catchphrases; like " If you vote me, I will fight kwaruption" and election rhetorics like "renewed hope", maybe to renew the hope of lost citizens in the system of governance, the hope lost in the fight against Kwaruption.

In my country those in charge of the Ministry of poverty alleviation steal from the same impoverished people, whose poverty they were meant to alleviate; how comical? One would expect that the rate of poverty in my country, to make kleptocrats a little sympathtic but the reverse is the case. They steal enormous amounts of money without qualms of conscience.

The fight against corruption some will say is transgenerational. But the reality is that no one is ready to fight corruption, because the fight against corruption is fraught with dangers, it's basically unwinnable, because a governance built on the philosophy of kleptocracy (for me and my family) is one that recycles corruption. It is a constant cycle of " raise yourself to a position of government, steal from the people you were meant to govern and enrich yourself and your family" that is the agenda.

I subscribe to a sentiment that may seem humorous, but holds profound truth. It suggests that in every public office, there's a metaphorical "jar of water" that corrupts any new official who drinks from it, quite laughable but paradoxical. Don't trust a politician they say, but it's not the politician you shouldn't trust but the system.

George Orwell was accurate in his position that; 'A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims, but accomplices'. The kleptocrats are not the only protagonist or rather antagonist in this threatrical display of absurdities, their loyalist are complicit in the unchanged status quo, they show solidarity and express sympathy for thiefs, those who rob them, just because they keep their pockets warm, with paltry amounts incomparable to what they have starched.

It feels hypocritical to criticize them; because at some point we all want to taste from that jar in that public office and amass as much wealth as we can and never have to worry about peculiar mess my country is in. Indeed it's hard to be patriotic in my country.

"Sapa" and "Japa" must be the most used words in my country, all pointing to my country's uninhabitable state. Yet My country operates on policies that cannot hold these kleptocrats accountable for their deeds, policies like immunity that make holding them accountable impossible. They enjoy immunity while in office, and loyalty when they are out.

My countrymen use every medium to express their anger, they express their plight virtually and physically; when they match in solidarity, thier plight are misconstrued as threats to order and public safety. My country men have lost hope in every government structure, so much that hope has lost its relevance.

This is not a cry of weakness, but of strength, my countrymen have exerted strength long enough. Would my country get better? Would the loud screeches of the suffering masses be heard? would the threats and violence send a stern warning to the kleptocrats? Who will clean the Augean stable? Who will salvage my countrymen from this state of mess.

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