Coup de Foudre
Kingsley Okonkwor-Anslem
Kingsley Okonkwor-Anslem
a year ago

The first time it happened it was purely coincidental, I promise. After that though, everything else was meticulously curated. Do you want to know how many times it happened? How many times we locked eyes before we knew we’d be inseparable? Well, I don’t know. I remember 3 times, and I’ll tell you all 3.


I had just moved into my place for the first time. My last year in the university and I was finally getting out of the confines of the shared hostel space I lived in for the last three years, free at last. The main corridor of the buildings was so long, over 30 ft in length and when she came up the stairs she stared straight ahead, right into my eyes.

I couldn’t look away; I didn’t want to. I had made an unreasonable resolution earlier that year that I was never going to turn down a staring contest from a stranger and I couldn’t break my resolve so early. And so, we walked the entire length of the corridor staring, looking over our shoulders long after we walked past one other.

It’s funny, right? That’s why you’re laughing. But I promise it was insane at the time. She matched my newfound crazy, I was intrigued.


I had not come across her at home a second time but I quickly realized we were in the same faculty. Classes ended 12pm every day and I’d see her seated in one of the cafeterias in the car park, with friends. So, I orchestrated the first of multiple “meet-cutes”.

Yes, multiple. Don’t worry, I’m getting to the second time.

The second time we locked eyes was the first meet-cute. I planned for it to happen right at the car park. That day, like every other day, classes ended at 12pm. And like every other day I saw her seated in the cafeteria with her friends. It was crucial though to get her attention but not be creepy.

How did I get her attention then?

I simply walked past. Our eyes locked for the first time in months and we smiled.


The 3rd time it happened, I learnt her name.

Well, I’m not telling you now, you have to be patient.

It was a week after our meet-cute. Exams had picked up so the schedule had changed. She was no longer at the cafeteria when I walked past. I got in late that night and there she was in the courtyard, two other neighbours flanking her. Two days prior, I made an agreement with my friends to either learn her name, or stop orchestrating meet-cutes, so I was tempted to join the conversation. I decided against it quickly and decided instead to throw a silent greeting their way.

Why? Well, it’s rude to intrude in conversations where you aren’t invited, isn’t it?

You don’t believe me? Well, yes, I actually chickened out.

My neighbours quickly responded, calling my name as they did. Beautiful stranger suddenly quips back “oh your name is Kingsley? That’s my brother’s name as well”.

My heart was swelling. She spoke to me. And more importantly, this was an invitation to join their conversation.

Well, I took it as one regardless­.

I took careful steps to their place on the courtyard and smiled once again. She looked at me “Hi, I’m Eno”

Yes, I know I could’ve asked for her name the first day. But I wouldn’t have had this story to tell you today.

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