Prince Logan sat on his throne with a cigar in his mouth, not minding the girl that knelt before him obviously begging for something they both knew. "My prince, you need to consider this, though as you said she owes you a lot, please let her live". The girl who looked eighteen said with tears in her eyes. She didn't know why her sister had something to do with the prince but it seemed as if he would not let her off like that .
Surprisingly, he scoffed." I should let her go because you begged me?",he soffed her once more. Then she blurted out, what she said made meaning and he was interested that he stopped focusing on his cigar.
"I'll do anything you want me to do , just let Amaya be". He needed a prey, a pawn and this woman just brought herself to be used.
"Celine, am I mistaken?". She shook her head."I'll let your little sister go if you do one little thing for me"
"What is it ,your highness?". She wanted this for the sake of her younger sister, the only person she had left in the world after the war between Xavier and Segovia.
The war took everything from her , she had watched her mother die before her eyes and her father die out of depression and a serious case of pneumonia leaving her five year old self and her three years old sister all alone in the world.
"The crown prince of Xavier is throwing a five day ball and I want you to attend. .."
"I can do that", she said cutting him off. He didn't admonish her because he knew what was coming after he had made his request, rather he went on." I want you to have an affair with him. What I mean is this; let him fall deeply in love with you, so in love that he can kill himself for you and then shatter his heart in a thousand pieces . Then I will do the rest ". Her eyes were so wide that he actually laughed.
"But...I'm just a... I can't do it". He smiled that wicked smile that everybody knew and dreaded. "Then I can let you tell your sister how much you'd miss her and_ " He looked at her to see her expression, then said,"_ don't forget to wish her safe journey to the after life". With these words said she bowed her head low to the ground in total submission. " I will do as you wish, your highness".
As she stood to take her leave he said "Don't forget to give me feedback on everything that happens". She nodded and left .
Crown prince Logan stared into space, he was doing the right thing, Xavier had destroyed everything he had called his own... . "Amaya", he said the name in an unstirring whisper that spoke nothing at all.
Celine could not believe her ears how possible could she make a prince who had never seen her before, a prince whose cold stares could shake mount everest into a thousand pieces. She had to try anyway ,for the sake of her dearest sister. But she still didn't know what she owed the crown prince. The ball was starting tonight and she had to get ready. The prince had personally given her clothes and jewelry with her personal make-up artist. She was indebted to him now. And somehow she felt that if she failed in this mission, he would hold her hostage. She had to do this for Amaya.
Amaya lay down on her back watching the ceiling , the Michael Angelo - sort of- design . Suddenly, crown prince Logan came in without knocking. "Your sister really loves you. She had agreed to my request". Amaya gritted her teeth."you..." Crown prince Logan smiled a smile that meant he was victorious." Just sit tight, your sister would save you". She watched him leave. This king was not merciful and knowing he would never be, she had entered his trap, the one he had made her walk right into. If she had power and influence, just if she had...
Celine tried to collect herself, she wasn't sure she could do it. Just then, Crown prince Logan came in without knocking seeing her almost half naked. She shrieked. Crown prince Logan laughed mockingly. "Don't worry , I'm just like prince Alexandro , I know no woman". If this idiot knew this why was he telling her to have an affair with him. She sighed already weak to the bones . "You are going to look splendid, I personally chose the dresses for you". He smiled wickedly. " I don't know if I can do this", she said . Logan said nothing, he motioned for her to put on her clothes. She quickly undressed herself Infront of him and out on the clothes. It was tight fitting and exposed her cleavages . "You look just like the right princess for him", he commended .
Before he left, he patted her and wished her luck.
She was going to do just right.
Celine stepped into the palace, it was lively. The music was serene and the room was well lit. She watched the men dance with their women.she searched the hall for her game; the crown prince of Xavier. Suddenly without timing and balance, she rammed into someone. When she looked up, the eyes she met bored into her soul and without thinking she knew it was the crown prince.
"Kill me, your highness . I'm so sorry". He stared at her for sometime before leaving. This was a wrong start .
"Oh, curse that foolish prince", she cursed. He knew She couldn't do it, so why in the world did he tell her to do it.
Celine decided to flow with the party, she danced with some people, drank lightly and chatted with some chatterbox of women. Still looking for the prince, she saw him with a woman old enough to be her mother. It was certainly his mother or some random influential woman. After sometime, he left to do something. He was alone just drinking, this was her time to act. To make everything right.
Celine walked towards him and with the grace of a skilled trickster, she made her bangle hook on the buttonof his full sleeve ."ouch!" She screeched. She looked up at the unsmiling face and gulped." I'm greatly sorry, your highness". She tried to pull the bangle out but it wasn't working. She didn't think he was going act but surprisingly he did. He pulled her hands away and untangled the bangle." Thank you, your highness" , she said about to leave when he stopped her. "Do I know you from somewhere?",he asked. "No your highness. I was away from here for a long time, I just came home", she said and he nodded. His voice was calm but his face spoke a lot.
"I'm Lady Celine of Garcia, sorry for not introducing myself", she said and he nodded, he did not need to introduce himself but he did. Celine tried to start a conversation but was stopped by someone calling him. It was his mother calling him to meet someone.
At least it went well. But she didn't fail to notice that he glanced at her before leaving.
This meant hope!
"How did it go,lovely", crown prince Logan asked and she nodded . "I knew you could do it". I just had a short conversation with him", she said and he nodded quite satisfied.
"Life is step after step after all". When did this idiot become so sentimental. She had wanted to say instead she ended up agreeing with him. Before he left she asked of her sister but she got no answer. She was becoming scared . "What if he had killed sister and is just using me", she mumbled to herself. But somehow she had hope that he was taking good care of her.
Crown prince Alexandro of Xavier sat on his royal seat thinking of this lady that he met, she was not so beautiful but had an air that said she was everyone's dream. Her aura was not as dark as his instead carried light with a mixture of darkness. He wanted to see her again but didn't know why . His mind was going haywire but his face was unsmiling and looked dangerously serene...
The second day of the celebration was a tremendous hit. Celine knew that the crown prince would want to see her again. She wondered what moron would find someone as boring as she very interesting, except that person was also so boring. She sat erect as the makeup artist scattered her face with foundations and blocks ; she was going to be the perfect person for Prince Alexandro. "Isn't the makeup a little too heavy?",she said but the artist said nothing only engrossed in her work. She was already sweating, which shit would want to impress a moron that she didn't even care about, except that that shit was her and the moron was obviously the sexy prince that knew no woman.
Suddenly, Celine stood without saying a word . "Miss, I'm not done", the artist objected." I'm freaking done with this, do you have an intent on killing me?". The artist seemed very confused." Thank you for going all Michael Angelo on my face, but I'm washing this off". And without another word, she went straight to the bathroom and washed all the hard work done by the artist off. She could do this, just a light makeup and she was good to go...
Crown prince Alexandro looked down at the people from the gallery, he didn't know why but his eyes searched for that lady Celine he met yesterday. Something must be so wrong with him that he was looking for a petty lady that was so unpopular with his guest and well, him. He suddenly sighted her not to far from where he was. Simultaneously,like in an Indian unrealistic movie,their eyes met; his, dangerously serene and held no emotions, hers looked as confused as ever. She wanted to look away ,but he held her eyes and well, her body language. He was looking at the world's most confused woman . Strangely, he seemed to like it.
Finally, he shifted his gaze which made her feel at ease. She hurried outside to catch her breath. This so-called prince was very intimidating in a strikingly amusing way.
Without knowing and before her adrenaline seemed to gain consciousness,he was standing beside her. "Your highness", she greeted curtsying a little. The crown prince stared at her for a moment wanting to say something, a maid rushed to him." Your highness, your mother seeks you". Crown prince Alexandro sighed , he looked at Celine once more then followed the maid.
Gosh! What a close call. She would have got him if not for that devil of a maid, why was it now that that his very ambitious mother called.
Everyone knew the story of how ambitious the queen was. She didn't want to end her regency because she felt she was stii capable. And she was, the amount of jobless youths and the severe cases of robbery could tell of all her great deeds, ironically speaking.
"Hey pretty lady, what in the world are you doing all alone?,come join the dance. I'm well skilled in that aspect". Someone said holding her hands." No, I appreciate", she declined the obviously disgusting gesture." You're too kind", she said. She wanted to walk away but he held on tight. "A kind person needs a kind reward", he said eyeing her. At this moment, she cursed the crown prince Logan for making her wear this revealing clothes.
"It's moderately revealing", he had said that with a smile on his pretty face. "You hurt me, lord", she said but the idiot held on tight. What a freak!. She tried to drag her hand forcefully,but instead he tightened his grip.
Celine felt the wind and when she looked up the man was on the floor. The crown prince Alexandro stood to his full length looking unfazed yet amusing. She looked at the man on the floor and then at her saviour, then she blurted out ,"You killed him". That was the first time she saw the prince smile. It didn't reach his eyes, it was a rather wicked smile . Celine gulped, was it this man that moron, crown prince Logan wanted her to put up with. If he ever found out that she was using him, she was sure she would end up like the helpless peanut crushed by a lorry passing by... Groundnut paste .
"I don't think I would have wanted him dead, he was just drunk", she said. "He deserves more than death for being unmaster like". With these words said, Celine started to believe that it was a good thing such a nuisance died.
" You should dance, Lady Celine of Garcia", he said. His voice was like flowing water from an untouched spring from heaven down to earth. She was lost for a minute before she answered, "I hated dancing so I skipped the classes". It was a truthful lie. When she had parents and they enrolled her into a famous school, she would skip dance class, but it lasted for only two years before the war took them, and so she couldn't dance.
" My peers say I'm a good teacher. I must teach you". For a moment she thought it was a request but understanding the statement made, it was a command.
"I must have this dance ". And he took her hand and headed inside the building.
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