A love I know
Oyinkansola Oladapo
Oyinkansola Oladapo
a year ago


There is a love that I know; a love so pure, beautiful, and more selfless than anything I have ever come across in my life; love expressed in it’s purest form that it takes my breath away every single time.

There is one who loves me; words alone are not enough to describe the depth of his love for me

He loves me in ways I could never love myself

He loves me at my lowest

He will love me at my highest

He loves me when I am incapable of loving myself.

He loves me when I make him happy

He loves me even when I make him sad

I would forever try to string words together to express all of the amazing things he makes me feel, but no words would ever measure up

I am humbled by the depth of his love for me

My heart soars at the mention of his name; my spirits lift at the thought of him

He’s my light in darkness; my peace in the greatest of storms

With him, I am learning a dimension of love I could never have dreamt possible

His love makes me want to love him more

His love makes it possible for me to love him more

I know even at my peak, I could never love him the way he loves me; I would have to be him to do that, but he assures me that it’s okay, and I believe him

He does not need me to love him the way he loves me; his love is more than enough for the both of us

All he wants is for me to love him the best I can, and oh! How excited I am to love him the best I can

I am learning to love him the best I can.

I am often plagued by a lot of comments; comments from clueless people that do not understand the dynamics of our love

They think I love him too much

They are very certain I am doing too much, but what do they know?

They would never understand, not until they have experienced what it means to be genuinely loved; the kind of love that surpasses the widest of imaginations

“You’re being dramatic,” they say. “Relax, It’s not so deep.”

But it is. It very much is

They don’t get it, but it’s okay, I do not need them to understand

I do, but I don’t

I sincerely hope in time they would understand, not for me, but for them

Even on the days I take his love for granted, he never leaves, and it’s on the basis of the knowledge that he’ll never leave me that I know I can soar as high as I dare dream; confident in the capacity of his love to keep me flying till eternity comes

I would earnestly say he would give his life for me in a heartbeat, but he already did

He’s taken on the worst of pain just for me to have the best kind of love there’ll ever be.

There is one who loves me, and one day, I’ll love him more than everything else in this world and beyond.

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