Immaculata Essien
Immaculata Essien
a year ago

" As a child my dreams seemed like they were achievable. That if I snapped my fingers it would come true. But the older I get, I realized even that too was a dream.

Most dreams don't come true, most do. It takes a whole lot of strength, discipline, determination and the right motivation to make one's dream come true.

In our world of today even that isn't enough, so achieving your dream gets harder than you imagined. So many twist and turns, so many obstacles, disappointments, lack of skills, tools and the right kind of people by your side all contributes to the delays.

They say a man's destiny cannot be denied but can only be delayed, but for how long? Won't our passion, determination, patience and motivation deteriorate and be replaced with greed and desperation by then?

Won't the setbacks of others who had the same dreams, aspirations and passion as us discourage us who are on the path? "

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