a year ago


By Adie Christopher Bekeh

Religion is inextricably linked to politics, and while this is not a new phenomenon, it has become increasingly obvious in Nigeria.

As previously stated, the relationship between politics and religion is not novel. The medieval times witnessed the dabble of religion into state affairs [Politics]

For the purpose of this presentation we will be understanding the concepts as contained in the topic under discourse; the concept of religious influence in Nigeria politics, its positive and negative impacts.

To begin with Ugwu (2002) Defined religion as "any practice involving the relationship between mankind and what is regarded as sacred."

Merriam (1980) views religion as the outward existence of God… To whom obedience, service and honor are due, the feeling or expression of Human love, fear or awe of some superhuman and overruling power, whether by profession of belief, by observance of rite and ceremonies or by conduct of life.

For the purpose of my presentation, the definition of religion by Obiefuna (2018) will be considered. Obiefuna defines religion as a phenomenon in human society. It is part of life [but] which shapes the traditions of society marriage politics education economy law and health as social institutions.

This goes without saying that religion permeates almost if not all milieu of human life and politics is not an exception.

Nigeria has diverse religious groups and denominations, and these various religious structures come into play in determining government policies and the nation's politics.

Despite the various religious institutions and their differences, policies are put in place to ensure the active involvement of all religious sects to avoid issues of religious discrimination.

Mention of religion connotes morality, fairness and justice which is invariably far from the principles and ideologies of politics.

According to Nnadi [2004]... "Religion is often used to subvert political needs and aspirations of the ruling class… religion if positively used promotes the political life of any society.


As I previously stated, religious interference in politics is not a new phenomenon, with roots dating back to the medieval era when social and political issues were explained in terms of religion.

During this period the church asserted its power on the crown, deposed princes and dictate public policy. Political controversies were resolved by appeals to authority. I.e Religious Writings.

This periods saw the rise of people like Niccolo Machiavelli who tried to create a boundary between "religion and politics"

As Mark Khan elaborated: " Niccolo Machiavelli whose name has unjustly become a synonym for ruthless duplicity, broke with the middle ages by divorcing politics from religion. Consideration of national unity, security and interest took primacy over subordination to pope and to dogma."

Although the church represents the people's interest and conscience of the state, there are certain duties in politics that should be taken without first considering dogma. After all, according to Niccolo Machiavelli, "the end justifies the means."

However, religion influenced politics unwittingly impedes the political growth in Nigeria, politicians exploit it as an agenda to shamelessly obtain votes from religion blinded citizens. These sentiments are often exploited as a means to confuse the impressionable.

In Pre colonial Nigeria, this topic would not have gained credence because leadership then did not emerge from Religious leanings, because religion was a communal thing, the Yorubas for example all worshiped in one way.

How Does Religion Influence Politics:

Despite the fact that Nigeria has three major religious groups, Christianity and Islam have taken the center stage in the relationship between religion and politics.

These are the various ways religion has interplayed in the Politics of Nigeria, Viz;

  • Through Direct involvement of religion in politics; the just concluded 2023 general elections for instance witnessed a religious leader running for the position of the Governor of Benue State. Rev Fr. Hyacinth Alia who ran under the All Progressive Congress (APC).
  • Subjecting political ideologies to religious doctrines, as was done in the Medieval Era and continues in contemporary Nigeria, involves church leaders calling for prayer for Nigeria's leaders and those in public offices. They seek divine intervention to guide these leaders in making policies that are beneficial to the people.
  • The role of religious leaders in influencing public opinion; this was also palpable in the 2023 general elections where religious leaders "endorsed" candidates and pronounced them as prophecies from God influencing the opinion of followers to vote these candidates as their own little way of doing the will of God. Religious leaders also visioned the outcome of the elections.
  • Religion also plays a pivotal role in determining the qualifications of candidates who run for public offices as is evident in the "Muslim/Muslim" "Christian/Muslim" agenda in the 2023 general elections.
  • To crown it up, many politicians during the course of their campaign advocate religious sentiments for lobbying public support.
  • They visit churches, make exorbitant contributions, gain religious positions and so on.

In 1999 elections for instance, the Pentecostal Christians openly supported Obasanjo's Contention under the blanket of The People's Democratic Party (PDP) and when he won an all night meeting was held for him.

Should religion and politics intertwine?

Despite the Biblical Stance in Proverb 29:2 [NLT] which says that " when the godly are in authority the people rejoice…"

Various debates have been made as to whether religion should mingle with politics, whereas the answer to this is invariably subjective.

However, my position is in tandem with Max Weber's in his essay Politics as a Vocation (Politik als Beruf)

Weber stated that, politics is the art of compromise and decision making based on social benefits weighed against costs; in this respect, political action cannot be rooted only in conviction, since one's conviction can be another's social anathema. Using as an example Christianity, seen as a core conviction, Weber affirms that a politician cannot only be a man of "true Christian ethic" (understood in terms "turning the other cheek"). The political realm is no realm for saints. A politician should marry the ethic of ultimate ends with an ethic of responsibility.

While the nation's challenges cannot be solely attributed to the influence of religion in politics, it has undeniably played a significant role in shaping the country's current state. Without delving into a historical analysis of the numerous instances of poor leadership influenced by religious sentiments, I will cite the 2023 general elections as an example. During this time, politicians were observed moving from pulpit to pulpit preaching propagandas and unrealistic policies in an attempt to gain political power. Pastors and religious leaders, instead of remaining non-partisan, endorsed specific candidates and prophesied doom for others. There were also instances of religious groups fighting to ensure that candidates of their faith secured government positions to implement religiously biased policies. Additionally, some religious leaders, out of sycophancy and loyalty to politicians, turned a blind eye to the suffering of the people and attributed their hardships to spiritual forces rather than speaking the truth.

Conversely, religion has been instrumental in influencing government through organizations such as the Christian Association of Nigeria and other religious groups, which have served as watchdogs for the government and represented the interests of the common people. For instance, the recent outcry from the Catholic Bishops in Nigeria, under the auspices of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN), to President Bola Tinubu regarding the untold hardship inflicted on Nigerians by his policies. The Bishops highlighted increasing hunger, unemployment, kidnapping, general insecurity, rising food prices, and living costs.

In conclusion, it is essential to recognize that politics and religion are two distinct facets of every society, likened to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, which should flow side by side without mixing. Hence the need to separate religion from political affairs.


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