You ask me what I want
allow me to tell you
I want a love that is sure
A love that is so sure, that it knows everyday it’s me
A love that is not scared so it runs back and forth
A love that stands in the sun with me
Hands held tightly together
Because we are both are light to each other
A love that is consistent
Even in the busiest of days
And darkest of nights
That love seeks me
Finding it’s way to our home
I want a love that is consideration
My feelings thought through
Our love first before anything else
I want a love that doesn’t just see my world revolving around it
But seeing our worlds merged together
So merged we forget where we start
And where we end
I want a love that remembers to breathe in my presence
A love that rolls off from your lips easily
And one that holds me gently
I want a love that transcends time
Time would grapple to ever understand
I want a love that yearns
Yearning daily
I want a love that fights
A love that remembers we only exist for each other
I want a love that looks me in the eye deeply
And remember why it chose me
I want a love that wakes up daily
Remembering its always been me
It will always be me
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