Compete and Unite
Joy Nkanu
Joy Nkanu
a year ago

In the realm where thoughts unfold,

Where passions ignite and stories are told,

A truth emerges, bold and clear,

Life's essence whispered in our ear.

Life, they say, is a competition fierce,

A wild pursuit, a ceaseless pierce.

Yet, beneath the surface, let us dive,

Unveiling depths where meanings thrive.

Yes, we are animals, bound by our drive,

Survival instinct, deeply alive.

But look closer, friend, and you shall see,

A symphony of purpose within you and me.

In the dance of existence, we find our place,

Each heart a canvas, a unique embrace.

For competition, too, wears a different face,

Not mere battles fought in a relentless race.

It's a quest for growth, a strive for more,

To rise above limits, our spirits soar.

To explore our potential, uncharted lands,

To shape our destiny with determined hands.

Yet, let us not forget, in this grand pursuit,

Compassion and empathy, they bear the fruit.

For strength lies not in crushing another's dream,

But in unity, where harmony may gleam.

Embrace the challenges, the trials we face,

With resilience and grace, our dreams we chase.

But let us remember, as we strive and fight,

That love's the beacon guiding us through the night.

Life's a symphony, an intricate dance,

Where competition and unity intertwine, enhance.

So let our spoken words echo this truth,

Embrace the wild, yet gentle, soul of our youth.

For in this grand theater, we all play a part,

Each beating heart, a masterpiece of art.

Together we rise, for in unity we're strong,

To live this life as one, where we truly belong.

Joy Nkanu

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